I Like You

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I like you. And I will make you my wife someday.
That's the word Yunxi won't forget when he first sees Feiyu. He didn't know what creature ran through Feiyu's mind and he thought of that at a young age.
Yunxi is already a graduating college student while Feiyu is in their first year of high school.

Yunxi thought that Feiyu would forget about that "I will make you my wife" word but it became worse. Because when Feiyu already reaches high school year. He decided to confess his feelings for Yunxi again and followed him everywhere.

Zhan did someone possesses your little cousin?
Yunxi asked his best friend which is Feiyu's cousin.

He likes you. That's it.
Don't be harsh on him he's still a kid. But all I can say is he truly likes you.
Yunxi shrugged his shoulder and goes back to type his thesis. As he was about to save the file Feiyu suddenly holds his hand and take him to the park not far from his house so he just asks his friend Zhan to save his thesis file for him.

He looks at Feiyu's cold face and smiles at him
What is it Lil guy?

I'm not little. I told you I'm going to make you my wife someday. I just want to bid a goodbye because my family wants me to study abroad.

I will miss you, but I'm not going to hug you. I don't want to touch you because you're still not my wife. But when we're already married I will touch you everywhere I want. Goodbye.
Yunxi can't help but feel annoyed and shy at the same time.

How can a kid say such things like that?
He touches his head and sits on the swing beside him. Suddenly he felt sad. Feiyu is following him everywhere and now that kid is going abroad.

Goodbye Feiyu. We'll meet again.


Years have passed and everything has changed.
Yunxi became a successful businessman with his best friend Zhan. Yunxi is already 32 years old but still didn't have a wife. Zhan is always teasing him that he is waiting for Feiyu but he just rolls his eyes on his best friend because he doesn't even know why he's still single.

Yunxi I have a date with my husband Yibo.
I'm going to leave you now.

Yea I don't care.
Yunxi said as he changes his clothes into comfortable ones. He wants to go home early today that is why he already take a shower in his office. He just wears a loose yellow shirt with black pants.

Yunxi. You're already 32 but your face is like 25 years old, how unfair.
Zhan suddenly pouts as he played with his car key. He is right, Yunxi's face becomes younger as he gets older that is why everyone thinks that he is still a teenager.

Just leave I am going now. I need to rest

Yunxi we're not getting younger.
You should find a wife or... You are actually waiting for my cousin to make him your husband am I right? HAHHAHAHA

Enough Zhan. Don't piss me.
Yunxi started to walk and get's out of his office. He starts his car until he reaches his condo. He quickly lay himself on his bed and watches some movie on television before going to sleep when he hears Feiyu's name.

Is it true that you and Ms. Zhen are dating?
The reporter asked Feiyu on television. Yunxi's eyes started to examine Feiyu's face.

He changed a lot.
I didn't even know that he is already a celebrity.
He thought to himself as he listens to the interview again.

No, it's not true. Ms. Zhen and I are really good friends because of the drama we play but nothing is going on between us. Just good friends.

FEIYUNXI ONE SHOT'SDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora