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Briana's pov :

I was at the cafe with Taylor and Aaron . "So , you really had sex with your boyfriend last night ?" Taylor said . "Yeah" i said . "Oh my god i cant believe it " Aaron said . "I just had sex with him , its not that big of a deal " i said chewing on my pancakes ."No i mean its amazing how you were still a virgin before last night " Taylor said and him and Aaron laughed . "Hey , i was saving it for someone special , wheres Hagony ?" . I remembered the nicknames . "She's in Florence at the moment . "Oh cool" I said smiling . "Well i better go guy's , Nash is waiting for me "I said . "Ok , tell lover boy we said hi " Aaron said . "Shut up , bye " I said .

I arrived home , i opened the door and heard crying , i went into the sitting room to see Nash there crying with a blade in his hand and blood down his arm . He looked up at me and continued crying . "Wh- Nash - No what ? Why ?" I said barely getting any words out . I went over to him . "Why do you hurt yourself ?" I asked . "I didn't want to tell you this way " he said crying . "People don't like me for who i am and they don't respect me and it makes me feel bad and why does everyone hate me ? What did i ever do to them and i just hate myself so much for everything " he said crying on my shoulder . I couldn't believe this , Nash seemed so confident and strong like a bad boy but he's so broken inside . I feel even more bad for making fun of his appearance when i met him because that could've crushed him . "Nash , you're perfect , i love you for who you are and no one else really matters " I said . "Thanks , but i don't love me for who i am , people used to make fun of me for who i am , saying i put so much metal on my face to cover the ugliness and how i was worthless and should die , sometimes its too much to handle and i seen something to ease the pain and cutting is the only solution " he said still crying . "Nash , you're not alone , you have me " i said hugging him . "Thank you Briana " he said . "Nash , i'm here for you no matter what , ok? , i love you " I said . "I love you too " he said . I went to the bathroom to get tissue . "Here " i said gently dabbing the tissue onto his wrist . "Thanks " he said . "Briana , you're the best thing that has happened to me in a long time , i've been in a dark place ever since i was bullied but you helped me find light again " he said . "Thank you Nash , i love you" she said .


Briana's pov

Nash stayed at mine for the weekend and i comforted him . I was getting ready for school . Ugh . I put on a wooly jumper and jeans and boots . I gave Nash my brothers clothes . Yeah , i have a brother , his name is Eric and he's in Medical school at the moment so he's never home . We walked to school together .

The wind was breezing to my hair , we were walking past the ocean . "I'm sorry " . "For what ?" He said simply . "For judging you , when i didn't even know you , i really am sorry " I said . "It's ok , i am a mess " He said . "No you're not , you're perfect " I said . "Nobody's perfect " He said . "Then you're perfect for me " I said . He smiled at me and leaned down to kiss me . "I love you" he said . "I love you too " i said .

We continued walking until we arrived at school . As we walked in people gave us dirty looks , who care's to be honest . I'm happy with Nash and i don't need people telling me wrong . I went to my locker to get my books when i was greeted by Shawn . "Hey " he said . "Hi " i said smiling .

Nash's pov :

When i got my books ready i went to the back of the school to smoke but someone punched me in the face . What the fuck ? I punched this person back even though i couldn't see . When my vision became clear i seen who it was . "We meet again" Jack Johnson .

"Dude , go away , i don't know who you are " I said . Oh , he brought his 'friends' this time . "Nash , meet Cameron , Taylor , Carter " he said . "Whatever , just fuck off " I said . "I told you to back off from Briana , you didn't listen , i wanted to be the one to take her virginity!" He shouted. "Aw well i'm sorry bro , i guess short dick-head blonde's aren't her type " I said smirking. His friends jumped on top of me then everything went black .


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