~Chapter 2~

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I look up and I can see about 50 sweaty boys. I guess they are about 18 while I'm ... shit. I don't know how old I am. I feel nothing. I'm not scared or anything like that, I am just curious what the hell is going on. The voices of the boys bring me back from my trance.

"It's a girl!"

"Is she hot??"

"She's mine."

"She's looking young."

"Will somebody get her out of the bloody box?!" A voice with british accent speaks. I don't know how to act. I mean I woke up in a moving box and can remember nothing and now there are 50 boys whose eyes are all over me as if they have never ever seen a girl in their life before. Maybe they haven't. That means I am the first girl they see. Great. I don't trust this place. Thinking about my possibilities I decide to get out of the box thing and run.

"Ehm excuse me...?" I asked shy. "Can someone please help me out of here?" I try to play the innocent and shy girl and it works. A tall guy with short blonde- brown hair and green eyes holds his strong hands in my direction and I grab them. He pulls me out but little did he know I used my legs to jump out so I have more energy when he lifts me out of the box and I press my knee between his legs.

He falls to the ground, groaning and holding his manhood. He lets go of me and that's my cue to run. So I run. I do not know this place but I saw a gap between some of the walls which are circling this open area. I sprint in the direction of the gap. When the boys realized where I am heading they start shouting.

"We got a runner!"

"She is fast!"

"Some one get her! Now!"

"On it boss!"

"Get her mate!"


I am really fast and the few boys who are trying to get me, can't keep up to me. I reach the gap and run through. I can hear that the boys stopped following me except one guy. He is really fast but I still have my headstart.

While running, I look around and recognize very high walls which are covered with ivy. At the end of the long corridor are some different ways to turn so I assume that this would be a maze. I take the left way and the guy following me does the same. I know I can't keep going for any longer because I am already breathing heavily.

I want to turn around and look how far away my pursuer is but if I would do that I would lose time and he would get me. I realize I'm slowing down and I can not keep going. Shit this is it I think. He will get me and do who knows what with me.

Suddenly I feel a strong grip around my mouth covering it so I can't scream. Another cold and big hand found it's way around my waist and press me against a hard chest. I hear heavy breathing near my ear. It must be the guy who finally got me. My own chest is rising and falling because of the running earlier.

So we are just standing in a maze, I think, and I'm pressed against a hard chest with arms around my waist and mouth. Slowly the guy is catching his breath and starts talking to me. It sends shivers all over my body. "You are fast. But not as fast as me." I could hear his smirk without even looking at him.

He said only two sentences and I can already say that he is arrogant. "Will you be a nice girl and let me take you back to the glade?" Glade? What is that? Maybe the place where the other boys where. I feel how he tighten his grip around my waist, pressing me more against his chest. "Is the princess ready to be taken back?" He asks teasingly. God, I hate the way he says that.

I can only nod because what else could I do. "Good girl." Says his deep and calming voice. He lowers his hand from my mouth to my knees and lift me up. One hand around my knees and the other at my back. He is making his way back to the glade while carrying me in his strong arms.

Finally I had the chance to look at him. He looks asien with black fluffy hair which is styled perfectly and with black eyes. You can clearly see his jawline and it looks really good. Generally he looks really handsome I can't deny it. He must have noticed me staring at him because he is looking down at me in his arms. His gaze make me blush lightly and he smiles. Not like a smirk smile more like a warm smile.

I feel safe in his protective arms and cuddle closer to his warm chest. Even if he is walking fast, his walk is kind of slow and calm which make me sleepy. I close my eyes but can't sleep because my heart is racing. I am in a halfsleep like I'm sleeping but awake and I can sense everything around me. Me, almost sleeping in his arms, and him ,carrying me close to his body, are making our way back to a unknown place...

A/N How do you like it so far?? I hope it's getting better:)

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