~Chapter 8~

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She looks at me and all I can see is fear. I can completely understand her. I also felt a little bit fear at the beginning. Our eyes meet and I can see hope. She thinks I will protect her. But I still feel this feeling of jealousy. She looks so helpless that I need to do something. Even if I don't like her, I have to help her. "Okay enough. Now it's my turn." I say loudly so that every single guy knows that she is mine now. I take her hand and she grabs it tight. I lead her over to the watch tower. We climb up and sit on the edge with our feet tumbling. "What's your name?" I ask her. "Teresa. It's Teresa." Oh, she remembers fast. "Welcome to the glade Teresa. I'll explain everything to you." She smiles at me. "Thanks for saving me. Normally I'm not shy but when I saw all the boys I got scared." I smile back. "Of course. Ok let me explain everything. My name is Y/n. I came up the box like you only two month ago. Every moth are Greenie, the new people here, sent up by the creators. Or W.C.K.D. It's normal to not remember his name at first. So when I came up I was the only girl but now I've got you. Very important is that we have three rules: never hurt anyone, do your job and never go in the maze expect you are a runner. Which leads us to the jobs. Everyone has a job here. We have cooks, runner, track-hoes, builders, slicer and med-jacks. I'm a med-jack. Each job has a leader, we call them keeper and every keeper has his own room at homestead. But also the leader Alby and the second-in-command Newt and me as the only girl. You can sleep in my room if you want. Outside of the glade is a maze with monsters called griever. Only runners are allowed to go in the maze. So if you want to go running all day and see disgusting animals then you should become a runner. Every night the door to the maze close that keeps us safe in the glade. Oh and we have a bonfire every night and you have to come because I don't want to be alone. Got everything?" She looks at me shocked. I laugh. "I know it's much at first but you will get used to it." "Thank you Y/n. And can I ask you something?" "Of course Teresa!" "Do you want to be my best friend?" I think about it for a moment. Newt is my best friend but he is a guy. Maybe a girl best friend wouldn't be so bad. "Yeah. Let's be best friends!" Teresa laughs and hugs me and I hug her back. Then I give her the tour so she knows where everything is and I introduce her to everyone. We spent all day together and got really close. Sometimes someone came to disturb us but we send them all way because we wanted time for us. I understand that the boys want to get to know her since she is the only other girl but this day is about her and me. Since the first moment I saw her, I don't feel jealousy anymore. It's a good thing, I guess.
Later the evening at the bonfire we sit next to each other and talk about the boys. "So Teresa? Who do you like?" "I've been here for about half a day and you are already asking that. Wait. You fell in love so fast right?" I look surprised. How did she know that. "Yeah kind of." She let's out a scream of happiness. "Y/n! You have to tell me everything about him and if he is your boyfriend!" She demand. I sign. "You see the guy over there with the runners?" "Ben?" She asks. I shake my head. "No, his best friend next to him." "Minho!" She says. A little bit to loud. "Yeah. But shhh he don't know I have a crush." "Now I want some details!" Oh god. She is so curious. "Okay. We met in the maze when I ran in on my first day. Since then we are really close and I can see him as a best friend but I want more." She kinda looks disappointed. "You two are not together?!" I shake my head sadly. "Bloody hell. They are both so stubborn that they won't confess their feelings!" Soundly Newt sits next to us. "Newt? Right?" Ask Teresa. She is really god with the names. He nod. "I want to bring them together. Will you help me?" Hell no. She is not going to do that. Newt looks at me with a smirk. "Of course I will help you Teresa. I waited for them to get together for ages!" I grown. Great. My two best friends want to get me hooked up with my crush. This will end bad. Very bad. Maybe I'll lose Minho forever or we could become a couple. I doubt that, I don't think he likes me that way. I was so caught in my thoughts that I didn't realize that Newt and Teresa were whispering in each other ears. At the end they both look at me with a devilish smirk. Oh shuck. They already made a plan. "I have to go. I want to meet some other boys. Bye Newt and bye bye Y/n" Teresa says while standing up and leaving up. Before I could ask Newt what he and Teresa talked about he asks me if I wanted to dance. Of course I said yes. I can't dance but I like to move to music so I love dancing. He grabs my hand and leads me over to the fire where a few guys are dancing and together we move to the music. After some minutes I see Teresa grabbing Minhos arm and leading him to the dance floor, if you can call it like that. Why would Teresa want to dance with him. Shuck. I lost them, where are they. Suddenly Newt touches my waist and spins and I forget a moment about what I just saw. I let out a laugh and Newt goes on fast until he lets go of me and I tremble away from him onto another boy. In order to not hit the floor I grab his shoulders and his cold hands grab my waist. The hands feel familiar. Wait! It can't be him. I look up and my gaze meet the gaze of two dark eyes. Minho. He smiles at me. "Easy princess. We don't want to fall on our beautiful face, do we?" I blush lightly. Not because he called me princess, he always calls me that. No because he called me beautiful. I smile at him innocent. "Does the Lady want to dance?" He asks me sarcastic. I nod excited. This was Teresas plan. Her and Newt wanted me and Minho to dance together. Minho tighten his grip on my waist and I lay my arms around his neck. In this position are we dancing for a very long time. We look in each other eyes and I want to kiss him so desperately. I want to feel his soft lips on mine and forget the moment. I really enjoy being this close to him without any awkwardness but I'm exhausted from the long day and let my head rest on his chest. He is very tall so this is very comfortable. I can hear his heart beating, this is so relaxing. He notices that I'm tiered and picks me up with his hands at my tinghs and my legs around his waist. My head lays on his should and he carries me to my room and lay me carefully down. He tucks me in the sheets and kisses my forehead. He has never done that. My cheeks turn pink. "Good night Y/n. I will get the greenie for you. Sleep well!" With that he leaves the room. Short time after Teresa enter the room screaming excited. I smile. I know she is happy that her plan succeed. "Tell me everything. Now!" I laugh at her impatience. I could not keep any detail from her so I told her everything. She is as happy as I am. "Thank you for helping me. At first I thought this was a bad idea but I think I like it now." She laughs. "My ideas are never bad!" Now we both are laughing. "Hey ehm. Can I tell you something?" I ask nervous now. "Of course Y/n! I'm your best friend, you can tell me everything." She tells me. I take a deep breath. "Okay so at the first moment when we all saw you, I didn't like you. Since ever I was the only girl and then there were you. You looked so beautiful with you long hair and your blue eyes. Then I saw him looking at you. And i hated you so much for that. I was so jealous. You looked at me so helpless but I didn't wanted to help you. But in the end I did because I kinda understood your feelings at the first moment. But now I don't hate you. I reall like you." I don't look at her. I don't want to see her reaction. She just stares at me and then hug me tight. "Oh my god Y/n! I didn't know. I'm so sorry. But I promise I will never take your man. And you also look really and I mean really beautiful!" I laugh in her shoulder. We stay like this for a bit before laying down and go to sleep. Since we have to share a bed, we lay really close because there is not enough space. But I don't mind. I fall asleep really fast.

I walk down a long corridor very fast. Even in my black high heels and my tight skirt am I this fast. I hear the clicking of my shoes on the ground. Finally I reach the door I was desperately trying to get to and open it with my key card. I enter the room and see many people in white coats standing around a kind of cage out of glas. On their coats where the letter WCKD. I walk through the people and get to the front. There I find Teresa in a similar outfit like mine. She takes my hand and press it lightly. I return a weak smile. Next to her is a woman about 40. She has blond hair which is in a strong bun and red lips. On her coat stands the name A. Paige. She doesn't look at me, instead she looks at the glas thing in front of us. Now I also look at it. It's filled with water and their is someone in it and is fighting for his life. He screams but you hear nothing because of the water. You can only see some bubbles of air. We lock eyes and he calms down a little bit. He looks so familiar. Until now everything was in his natural colors like a memory but know everything seems a little bit darker and it feels cold. I recognize the face. It's Minho. "Stop! You're hurting him! Stop! I said STOP!" I scream as loud as I could. I look at Teresa and hope she helps me. But she just smiles at me devilish and looks at the blond woman. She gives me a warm smile but her words a cold as the night. "Y/n. It's okay. Soon it will be over for you. But not for him." I look at her shoked. What does she mean? "You killed him Y/n. Only because of you is he feeling this terrible pain right now. But in a few seconds he will be dead. At least it seems so. He will be dead but feel pain forever. The pain will never stop and he can't do anything neither can you. It's your fault that he is in this situation. It was your mistake. You are the mistake. You are his death. Minho is dead because of you!" I break down on my knees. No! I can't kill him. This is not real. Earlier it was a memory but now it's a nightmare. A real nightmare. I have to wake up. NOW!

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