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He knew you had arrived.

Your eyes stayed shifting between the two hallways as you tiptoed to a wall.

You creeped around corners, peaked into rooms, walking down long hallways, when you found a large door in the wall. No door, no nothing, just a frame. You peaked in, the main area. It couldn't get more obvious than that. The whole room looked professional, like, really fucking professional.

You took a step in, and immediately recognized the smell of alcohol and cigarettes. You could hear the little clicks and clacks of chips, and the sound of wood against carpet.

You walked further in, noticing a row of slot machines, roulette tables, a little stage with a mic stand and a black stool, and a huge wooden bordered, green card table in the center of the room.

Large chandeliers hung from the ceiling, illuminating the place with ease. And a scarily tall, masked man sorting.. something, at the bar.

You could hear a light jazz song blending in with the thick air of the room as you walked over to who seemed to be the bartender.

A glossy coat of clear wax spread over a black marble countertop, similar to the one back in the lobby. You crossed your arms and set them on the counter.

"uh.. hey, have you uh-seen someone, like with uh, brown hair, really tall," you motioned with your hands, "anybody..?"

The bartender looked down at you, "are you lost, darling?" thick, black glasses covered his eyes, you could see your reflection through them.

"..so nobody, huh?" you spread your hands on the table, and sighed.

The bartender continued his work. He looked to be shuffling a deck of cards. Odd.

"well, thanks for your help I guess" you pressed your hands on the table and turned back around.

"ah ah, where are you going, darling?" what was he saying? The man came around the counter, setting a hand on your shoulder. "don't you want to play a round or two?"

"of what" you were unsure of speaking back to the man. He chuckled, "why, a little card game of course" a smirk plastered onto the mans face, and he motioned you over to a chair next to the big, green card table.

He pushed you down into the seat, "I really should get going." you felt yourself get up out of the seat, to be pushed down again.

"don't be silly, a little game won't hurt" he placed his hands on your shoulders, "why don't I introduce you"

He went around to the other side of the table, taking a deck of cards out of his fanny pack.

"welcome to my casino lads, are you down for a deal tonight?" he spread the pack on the table.

"lets see if the luck is in your hands. if you're ready, come on and roll the dice" he brought his hands to his glasses and wiggled them as if he were taunting his anonymous persona.

Ok, now you had a really bad feeling about this. You got up out of your seat and made your way to the door. You could hear the man shuffling up behind you.

"beg on your knees, you can't flee. bring those contracts to me!" you could hear his voice getting louder, and felt an arm wrap around your wrist.

He twirled you around and rushed to the chair. You stumbled behind the man.

"pay with their souls or you'll pay with your head" he pushed you down back in the chair by your head, and controlled it upwards. You couldn't see his eyes, but you knew in his he knew he was doing great at his job.

"try to escape me and you'll end up dead" he held your shoulder in his hand and dragged his thumb over your neck like it was a knife.

"you can't complain now cause that's what you get, that's what you get." he spun around the table, his hand dragging against the rough material.

You could see a faint figure in the corner of your eye. You looked.

Big mistake.

You could see an evil smirk grow on the figures face. And they got up.

The bartender was on the table. "that's what you get for being greedy!" you swore you somehow teleported into this new dimension. Everything was so effing surreal, but not in a good way. It was in a way that made you sick. Everything was a colourful mess.

Flowers sprouted out of thin air, cards flew through the air, little pixel clouds floated in the pasty yellow sky.

Little dinosaurs jumped from cloud to cloud, and airplanes zoomed by. You could tell the man was smirking under his mask.

"so greedy!" the man was floating through the air, landing on clouds and surfing on airplanes. You felt sick. You had to get out of there.

"that's what you get for being greedy!" the man jumped from the plane and a parachute sprouted from his back.

You couldn't take this anymore. You got up and ran for the door.

A loud BANG filled the space, and a large, metal cage barely missed you. The man was still following.

You turned the corner and headed for the exit.

Everything around you was melting, and the melody turned into a sickening, unrecognizable tune. You felt like you were just in another one of your nightmares, except this one was all too realistic.

You felt so sick. Your stomach flipped with every step you took.

You bumped into walls and kept tripping over your own feet, fighting back the urge to vomit.

The door popped up in the middle of the mustard yellow coloured sky.

You stumbled to the door, slamming your weight into it. You held onto the door handle for dear life, jiggling the handle. It felt like it had been glued shut. Cemented shut. It wouldn't budge.

You had started to bang on the glass. Surely someone could see you. Surely this was all a hallucination and only you could see it. And the people on the other side of the door would deem you crazy.

You screamed. Well, you tried. Nothing came out, and nothing would. It felt like your vocal chords had been cut, and the only thing you could do was bang. And bang. And bang.

And that's what you did. You banged, as hard as you could. Your arms quickly gave away, and your forehead pressed to the glass. Your nose fogged up the glass, and your throat felt tight.

"what's the rush, sweetheart?"

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