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*Still Purpled's POV*

I saw the tall boy stop and stare at us. He went in front of the girl and his sparks flew around him. The girl stood up and hid behind the tall one. "R-Ranboo?" Tommy asked. The tall boy looked at us, with his expression softened. "How do you know my name?" The boy asked. "It is you!" I said, a smile growing on my face. "It's us! Don't you remember? Tommy," Tommy pointed at himself. "And Purpled!" He said, pointing at me. Ranboo stepped away from his sister and towards us, embracing us in a hug. Tommy pushed away and smiled. "I've said before, no emotional crap." Tommy said, with a chuckle. Ranboo laughed and grabed the girls hand. "This is my sister guys! Say 'hi' Niki!" Niki waved to us and smiled. Tommy looked at me and I gave him a smile. "I can't believe you're here! We've missed you." I said. Ranboo smiled at us again. "I'm sorry I haven't been active on discord. Ever since I was adopted, I haven't had time to go on discord." He said, frowning a bit. I gave him a reassuring smile and chuckled a bit. "Don't worry about it, Ran, but we should totally hhang out at school." I stated, happily. He smiled once more and said, in the happiest voice ever, "Yeah! And you can meet Charlie, Skeppy, and Bad! Not to mention, Tubbo will be thrilled to see you guys." I stared at him and blinked a few times, and I was about to say something when Tommy beat me to it. "TUBBO GOES TO THE SCHOOL?! THAT'S AMAZING! WE'LL ALL BE TOGETHER AGAIN!" We all chuckled at the beaming Tommy and Ranboo nodded, also beaming. Ranboo then said he and Niki had to get home, and Tommy and I ran up the hill, telling Technoblade and Wil what happned.

We were so happy.

Writing is hard, Jeez. Well, there's that. I might write more later

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