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I try to find answers in everything
In each little thing that I see
And just hope that the answers don't sting
Like a bee

I'm sure like a hive coming and chasing one
They'd follow me where ever I went
And they'd leave me horribly undone
With the answers that they sent

Yet here I am searching and waiting
And looking for answers currently unknown
Despite knowing they could leave me debating
Everything they would have shown

I want to know if you like me
If I'm someone you could grow to love
If I gave you my heart and the key
Would it be something you'd be in awe of

I have insomnia from overthinking
It's impossible to fall asleep
My eyes keep blinking
With my clock's steady beep

You often ask me why I'm awake
Yet I wonder why you are
I'm only trying to stop the ache
Without going to far

Even though I only want the truth
I know it will probably hurt
So instead of continuing to play the sleuth
I'll just continue to flirt


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