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'Facts does not cease to exist because they are ignored.'


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chapter eight
the girl


Perplexion or confusion. It's simply that your mind goes into a haywire, unable to comprehend the whole lot of information dumped onto you.

Alicia was perplexed by the girl before her. She was a mystery for her.

Peering around, the fifteen-year-old girl let out a dreamy "Woah. . .".

She was staring at them with a mixture of surprise and shock as if they had grown extra heads.

Alicia was the one who broke the uncomfortable silence, "Um. . .Are you okay?"

"I am more than okay." she let out an excited squeal, covering her mouth with her hand, "You are all real. . ." she whispered dreamily and looked at Dumbledore in awe, "Professor Dumbledore," she turned to Minerva "Professor McGonagall," then shifted her gaze to Poppy, "Madam Pomfrey. . ." and then finally turned to Alicia but frowned, "but I don't know you."

Alicia let out an awkward chuckle, "I think she has hit her head."

Dumbledore seemed amused. "Might be possible, seeing the things she is saying. 'Professor'. She is certainly not a Hogwarts student. But first," he turned to the girl, "what is your name? And how did you arrive in the forest?"

She beamed at him, "I am Lisa Parker. I was just reading the Order of the Phoenix-"

Alicia interrupted her, "What do you mean you were reading the Order of the Phoenix? And how do you even know about it in the first place?"

Dumbledore was clearly intrigued. "Questions are for later. Ms. Parker, please do continue."

Alicia was mildly offended and she also didn't try to hide it, but nevertheless Lisa continued.

"I was just sitting on my bed and suddenly a bright light filled the room, and then the next second I was in the forest." said Lisa.

"What happened then?" asked Dumbledore, placing his chin on his intertwined hands.

"It was very dark. I was moving around in search of any escape but suddenly I saw a pair of blue eyes staring at me. I don't know which animal it was but I thought it was best to run as fast as I could. I reached somewhere from where I could see the castle. It looked so real and I soon realised that it was real. I was so shocked, I couldn't believe it was true. And I just fainted then and there." shrugged Lisa with a huge smile on her face.

"Why were you shocked to see hogwarts?" inquired Dumbledore.

"Of course I will be." sequeled Lisa "I mean going in the Harry Potter universe-"

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