Anbudan Priya

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Anbu wipes his forehead as the elders talk to each other excitedly

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Anbu wipes his forehead as the elders talk to each other excitedly. Today, the whole family is at a girl's house to discuss the possibility of marriage, the reason for his nervousness. Unlike movie heroes, Anbu isn't against arrange marriage. In fact, as a 90's kid, he doesn't even care if it's love or arranged as long as she is his equal. 

In the last few years, he has met many girls who were unique and amazing in their own way, but nothing worked out. Marriage isn't just a union between two people, but also their families. The bride's family must accept him as a son and the bride must see his family as her own. Obviously, he and his family will do the same for them. With this type of criteria, not many will be found suitable. In life, you might meet thousands of people, but only a handful will feel like family. Unfortunately, none of the girls he has met so far has given him this feeling. Being a painfully shy introvert makes it even harder. 

*Ring Ring* 

Anbu's phone rings loudly. Checking the caller ID, he sees it's his coworker Priya. Why is she calling me?  Thinking it could be something important, Anbu excuses himself and steps outside. 

"Hello?" he answers. 

"Hi. Sorry, am I disturbing you?" Priya asks. 

"No, it's ok. Is it urgent? I'm at someone else's house." 

"Oh. Then I will come straight to the point."

"I like you. As in someone I would love to spend the rest of my life with." 

"What are you saying? We are coworkers. This isn't right." 

"I know, I know. But whenever I'm with you, I have always seen you with so much respect and thought your future wife will be so lucky. I guess unconsciously that respect turned into something more, but I promise I never acted or even thought too much about it before. It's just that situation has changed and I'm planning to leave the team, so I thought why not." 

"I... I don't know what to say. I've never looked at you that way and besides, I'm at someone else's house to meet a girl!" 

"You haven't met the girl right?" 

"No, but-" 

"I'm not asking you to marry me right now. Because I was your coworker you couldn't think of me like that. But since I'm going to leave, try to think about it for 10 minutes. If you think we could work, we will ask our parent's permission. If not, I won't disturb you ever. But please don't reject me immediately and take at least take 10 minutes to make a decision. Ok?" 

"And what about the girl I'm meeting today?" 

Anbu hears a soft chuckle from the other side before Priya answers. 

"I'm asking for 10 minutes, not 10 hours. I'm sure you will be able to make a decision." 


"Less talking and more thinking. Will talk to you later. Bye!" She interrupts and quickly cuts the call. 

Anbudan PriyaWhere stories live. Discover now