A bit of backround

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(This part doesn't contain any smut yet)

T is for Tommy

Q is for Quackity

W is for Wilbur

T: So what are you going to do about the whole Las Nevadas thing?

W: What do you mean? There is nothing we need to do quite yet, besides, Quackity is a pretty cool person.

T: (I swear to God they were kissing-) So wait.. You don't have anything going on with him?

W: Like?..

T: You know- you don't actually like him in that type of way?

W: Our relationship is indeed quite complicated, although we are not on that level, yet.

T: Wait- yet??

W: Well of course, we are enemies after all, or at least for now.

Wilbur smirks at Tommy, meanwhile Tommy's face really went from 😀 to 😧

W: Tommy what is up with that face expression?-

T: N-nothing

c!Quackbur/TNT Duo smutWhere stories live. Discover now