Fast forwarding..

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(This part is also written by in his own fanfiction, I am not sure if he will ever post it or finish it, but it's fine- either way imma cred you, my beloved :fuckboy_face:)

Wilbur lives with Tommy in a cozy cottage which Ghostbur intended to build for himself and the raccoon child. Wil suggests for Quackity to stay over at his place, now that they are starting to get along. Tommy wasn't really happy about it, but either way it still happened. It started getting late, Tommy was already asleep questioning his life choices, but the other two were still awake, talking about everything, absolutely anything. Quackity slowly but surely started bringing up pet names and specific words which showed a lot of signs for affection. After a short amount of time Quackity started touching Wilbur, starting with his hair. He slowly slipped his hand lower each minute.

W: U-umm.. Are you sure that this is a good idea?..

Q: Of course~..

W: But what about Tommy..

Q: He won't hear us, there's no need to overthink.

As he said that, Quackity already reached Wilbur's thighs. He loved to see Wilbur's red face, but little did he know, the tables have turned.

W: Fuck it-

Wilbur slamed Quackity to a wall, with his face expression changing in what it seemed less than a second. 

W: You think that you can just do that and get away with it? Okay then.. I see how it is.... Well.. It is my turn to be the dirty one..~ People like you deserve punishment, so you better not disappoint me...~

Wilbur smirks, leaving Quackity flustered.. The shorter one thought to himself; Shit.. I got myself into this mess, but... I can't just resist it, it is exactly what I wanted!

W: You better be quiet..~

Q: O-okay..

Quackity's eyes open wide when he realized that Wilbur's dick is already inside him.. He let out a quiet groan, he can't get over the fact that it's actually happening.. But other than that...

Q: I-it's so.. H-huge-..

He whispered, unable to think about anything else. He closed his eyes as he fell in love with Wilbur's dick. He got so lost into his thoughts, a soft moan suddenly came out, he snapped back into reality once he realized what he had done..

Q: W-wait.. I'm sorry! I- I swear it won't happen.. A- again!.. mmh!~

W: Oh no.. What is that I hear?.. I told you to stay quiet...

His little moans turned Wilbur on even more. Quackity felt  how quick his partner is going now.. Wil also let out a moan, but he still tried to stay as quiet as possible, so he tried to be more careful.

This went on for a little while, until Quackity started reaching his limits.

Q: W- Wilbur! ahh~.. Please.. Forgive me, b-but I can't hold it in any longer!~ hmpf!~

W: And w-what on earth am I supposed to do to make you quiet, you asked for this..

Q: Wait!~

Quackity's eyes started tearing up, it just felt so good that he had to moan.. When suddenly he felt it.


Quackity's legs were wide open and he was filled with Wilbur's cum. It was dripping out of his young ass.. He took a deep breath just to realize that the next second he was already on the ground and his mouth full.. He looked around at what is going on since he lost track of time again, it was Wilbur's dick.. Inside of his mouth...

W: Maybe that will teach you to listen to me..

At first it was Wilbur who made him suck off that dick, but Quackity loved the feeling of Wilbur's warm dick so much, that he started pleasing it on his own..

A couple minutes later Quackity finally got a taste of his cum, but he was exhausted. Wilbur wasn't a heartless person. It was pretty clear that he was tired and unable to walk, so he took his little ducky to bed..

Q: S-so... What does this make us?.....

W: Mine.. 


c!Quackbur/TNT Duo smutWhere stories live. Discover now