Crap Coffee - Chapter Seventeen (Fern)

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When Niall plans something to do, run, and run for the hills, I beg of you.

It’s a better idea than sticking out what he has planned and waiting for it to end.

Believe me.


Because honestly, you don’t want to go for the ride.

I’m currently strapped in a bodysuit, attempting to do the Polar Bear jump with Liam and Niall. I’ve done it before, but I swore that time I’d never do it again. Look who’s talking.

“Liam,” I whine, stamping my feet a tiny bit. He’s also in a bodysuit, but it’s awkward not looking down because they’re quite… tighter than usual clothing. Niall’s just grinning like he’s won the annual St. Patrick’s day parade candy stash. “I don’t want to do this.” I frown, but Liam smiles.

He coughs once or twice than answers. “Imagine it as our first choice together.”

I glare at him, but honestly, who can say no to that face? He’s like a puppy.

Behind the safety belts sit Zayn, Louis, Harry, and Julia, grinning their faces off. Well, Julia is grinning while the boys laugh at the awkwardness of it all.

I think I actually want to go home. Now, please. First class ticket.

An instructor walks in front of us to explain the process. He’s also in a bodysuit. “Okay, folks. You’re not doing anything precautionary. You’re just diving into the water, swimming for a bit, then popping right out. Those people over there,” few teenage girls over by a white tent wave “are going to give you towels. You will then be directed over there,” he points to a smaller building that has fogged and tinted glass, “and your body heat will be restored to regular temperature. Alright?” He claps his hands as we nod. “Alright.”

I can hear people cheering and yelling, but I block it all out, grasp Liam’s hand one more time, then let go and get myself in ‘the zone.’ Come on. I can do this. All I have to do is dive, swim, then get out. It’s all good. Come on, Kasey. You’re Australian. You’ve got the intuition.

I don’t have the intuition.

Australians (like me) think this weather is fucking freezing, how the hell do I have intuition in this kind of weather.

I don’t, that’s what.

“GO!” Oh fuck, oh Jesus, oh wait, Liam, Liam what are you doing, where are you going- I’M SUPPOSED TO BE DIVING, SHIT.

I run head first off the diving board, the ice-cold water enveloping my body.

The first thing I think is well fuck, I’ve drowned. But then the movement in my limbs come back and I wiggle a bit. Then I remember how to swim.

I come gasping out of the water, breaking the serene surface. Shouts of relief sound around me, but all I’m looking for is Liam and the girls with the towels.

Stepping up the ladder, I grab the towels that are thrown at me in various different colors and smother myself with them, running into someone’s arms.

That someone being Liam.

“Holy fuck I’m cold.” I say quite loudly, and I can hear him chuckle.

“You could say the same for me, but I think Niall’s doing just fine.”

I glance over my towel edge at a Niall that appears to have steam misting off his back.

What the fuck?

“Niall!” He sees me waving for him and I arch my eyebrows. “Since when have you become Iron Man?”

He bursts out laughing, but shrugs all weird looks off. “It was warm.”

“The hell that was warm, Niall!” Liam deadpanned, making me laugh.

The fat instructor dude comes over to us, interrupting our pointless conversation. “Okay, okay. Let’s get you two cold people into the heating room.”

We’re beckoned and clapped on the back as we make our way to the heating room, in which there are warm showers, change rooms, and bathrooms.

It’s basically heaven after you’ve jumped into ice water.


“I think it’s time to go back to the hotel or something.” Liam says as he shivers in the hot room, and I nod vigorously.

“Can we go to this one particular place for lunch, though? It’s amazing. Italian.” He perks his eyebrows up but mutters a yes as we go our separate ways, preparing ourselves for the cold outside.


“Anton’s Pasta Place.” Zayn reads out loud, peering at the small Italian restaurant.

“They have the best pasta, it’s insaaaaaaaane.” I say, looking at Julia. Her cheeks are red and bitten with cold so I can tell this place is the best place to go. It’s hot, friendly, and inviting inside, so why not?

A hand creeps into mine and Liam comes up behind me, resting his chin on my shoulder. “Sounds great, babe.” I smile, peck his lips and nod.

“Waiting in line sucks, but the food is worth it. Oh and by the way, I’m ordering for all of you.” The sounds of protest alert me, but I hush them. “Not paying, ordering. I’m not that nice.” I bend down to Julia’s height and smile.

“We haven’t been to Anton’s in a while, huh?”  

“No! Mom says she gets too full her, so she doesn’t go anymore.” All the boys hear her and laugh, and so do I.

“We’ll share a plate with Liam, alright Jules?” She nods and so does Liam, and I grin.

“That’s set then.”


“Oh my god, I’m so full. I can’t believe it took three of us to finish a plate!” Liam yells, and I chuckle.

“Told you boys it’d be filling. Grateful that I told you four to split between two plates?” They shake their heads and I laugh. Of course, the person sharing a plate with Niall, who was Zayn, for that matter, they finished their plate. But it was delicious.

“Let’s go home now?” I put that out there, with them all nodding. Julia was asleep, resting on my shoulder beside me, as the boys all awww’d when her eyes shut. I think Louis is internally in love with all little kids.

“Louis, can you get Julia? You just have to carry her to the car. No biggie. Unless you want to sit with her while I drive.”

“I can sit with her.” He whispers, getting up from his sit and coming round the table to gather Julia in his arms. She sighs with satisfaction as her head hits the crook of his neck and I almost squeal at how cute it all is.

“That was amazing, Kase. We have to do it, the two of us sometime.” I nod my head fast and grin at him.

As we all clamber into the car, I only think one thing.

Liam has to go back to London in a day.


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