Crap Coffee - Chapter Two (Hayley)

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 A/N On the side is a picture of Callie. :3 

The next morning, I wake up with a throbbing head and sore eyes.

“Fuuuuck.” I groan as I pull the doona up and over my head. I try to get back to sleep, but under the blanket it ends up getting too hot and it’s affecting my head.

I push the covers off my body and lay there for a moment, letting the cold air bite at my skin. It makes my headache disappear a little bit, but I still have that nagging pain right next to my right eye.

I slowly sit up and open my eyes. The light hurts my eyes but I get used to it after a minute of constant blinking. I stand up and open my messy cupboard. I pull a baggy hoody off its coat hanger and throw it over my head. The sleeves reach past my hands, making me feel snug and warm in the cold room.

As I stroll out into the kitchen to make my daily coffee, I quickly grab my phone off charge. 8:17, my coffee should be ready.


I pour my wonderful smelling coffee into a mug and wrap my hands around it, taking in its warmth. For October it’s pretty damn cold. It’s going to be summer in December, so it should be warming up soon.

Not that I want it too, I hate hot weather. It drives me insane, sweating and having to wear shorts and shirts.

I prefer to snuggle into long jumpers and trackies and stroll around the streets of good ol’ Melb in my mock Ugg boots.

I take a seat on the worn out couch in the lounge room and turn the Telly on. I flip it to Sunrise where the presenters are talking about the new, exciting news.

They bicker playfully about some uninteresting subject and I tune out. My eyes flick back up to telly when I hear the next few words.

“And One Direction have announced that they will be touring all around the world in just a few weeks! They have added new dates to their 2013 tour, including more in Europe, America, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. Of course, we’re thrilled to have the boys back in Australia, aren’t we Koshe?” The blonde, older lady smiles at the other presenter.

“Oh yes. We had a good laugh with them back in April, didn’t we.” He chuckles, his glasses perched on his nose. He looks older too, but he’s actually pretty cool. Sunrise is my favourite show to wake up to.

“Well, we’ll have to actually put butter on the toast and less Vegemite on it. Maybe we can introduce Niall to a Vegemite Scroll?” the lady jokes, straightening her papers on her lap.

“Oh, they’re delicious. From Coles?” Koshe gets side-tracked and the presenters seem to be in their own worlds, not noticing the cameras. When they finish their conversation, the man turns to the camera and looks down at his papers.

“We’re going to go on a break. When we come back we’ll have more information on the 2011 x-factor Australia winner, Reece Mastin, and his new album. Stay tuned.” Koshe smiles at the camera and it flashes to the Sunrise symbol.

I finish off my coffee, my headache completely gone and my eyes no longer heavy. I feel pumped for my new day, ready to get all my stuff done.

I don’t have to do any washing, I did all that yesterday. Got the groceries, check.

I had yesterday, Friday, and today, Saturday, off work and then I’m back to working full days on Sunday. I usually work all week days and have the weekend off, but Friday was Dad’s anniversary.

I don’t think I could have handled going to work on a day like that.

I rinse out my mug and put it in the sink, deciding to wash it properly later. I slip into the room I share with Callie and quietly pick out something to wear today.

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