Chapter 5: The beginning of a friendship

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After that Izuku was taken to the medical room and Bakugo stormed back to the watch tower with Rōzu and Ochako. Throughout the next few matches Rōzu noticed Bakugo glaring at the floor and occasionally looking at her and looking away again, cursing at himself and getting annoyed at Izuku, even though he was still in the medical room. Rōzu felt bad so Shem stepped away from the others and went to stand near Bakugo. "Hey", she said awkwardly not knowing what to say. Surprisingly Bakugo replied to her, "Hi, what do you want...", as he said this Rōzu felt his hesitation in his voice. "Are you ok, you keep arguing with yourself and are kicking the floor rather aggressively", Bakugo snorted a little, Rōzu took this as him saying that he wasn't at all ok, "You were really good out there today, your quirk is actually really cool, much better than mine......", she trailed off her sentence. She caught sight of Bakugo smiling a little, softly smiling, like no way he has smiled before, he looked at her and said softly, "No don't think that, your quirk is really good, don't let anyone tell you different. You also did well, all I did was chase Izuku around and let you guys get the fake bomb. I was stupid for doing that. I don't normally say all these things but I like you, you seem a lot like me to be fair." Rōzu looked at him, he looked so innocent and not at all scary, "How am I like you, is it the way I act around people? Because if it is I was not always like this and that is a story for another day." Bakugo nodded and told her that it was true and that she didn't need to tell him. But he asked said that if she went to see Izuku that she could say sorry to Izuku from him, and that he was still a nerd either way. She laughed and nodded. She turned away and walked to ALL MIGHT and asked him if she could go and see Izuku and see how he was doing. He agreed so she left and went straight to the medical room.

On arrival the first thing she saw was Izuku nocked out on the medical bed with the nurse (recovery girl) standing next to him. "May I come in", Rōzu asked politely to the nurse. Recovery Girl nodded and motioned her towards a seat by Izuku's bed. She sat there fiddling with her thumbs, nervous. She knew what Izuku's quirk was but she also knew that she probably shouldn't say anything to anyone. After a little while the door opened again and ALL MIGHT ran in. He looked tired and was steaming. He hadn't seen Rōzu and thought it was safe. He transformed into a skinny version of himself in front of Rōzu and turned around. Rōzu didn't mind this but ALL MIGHT was shocked and panicked. "Pretend you didn't see me like this... why are you here anyway?" He asked. Rōzu let him take a few deep breathes before she replied. "I asked you if I could come and see Izuku and you agreed. Oh, and don't worry about me telling anyone, I won't. I am not going to because I know something about Izuku's quirk and yours." ALL MIGHT stood frozen. "Don't worry", Rōzu continued, "Izuku didn't tell me anything, I worked it out on my own. You are able to transfer your quirk to another person when your willing to. You joined this school to find a suitor for your borrowed quirk, so you could train them with your quirk. You gave Izuku your quirk and that's why you are overprotective about him. Am I right." She said this very fast and stared at ALL MIGHT to see his reaction. After a while he agreed with her and said that what she told him was true but she should not tell anyone. He also told her that when she could she should help Izuku. Rōzu agreed and at that moment Izuku woke up.

Izuku was confused on what had happened so Rōzu filled him in and told him that she knew about his quirk meaning he has someone to talk to. His face lit up at this and gave her an awkward hug. She also told Izuku that Bakugo was worried about him even though he didn't show it and also quoted his "you are a nerd either way", which Izuku laughed at. "Kachaan has always been like this, even since we were young." Rōzu nodded and helped Recovery Girl sit Izuku up and check him over for any other injuries that she had missed. After a about half an hour Izuku and Rōzu headed for their class room where everyone was standing and chatting away when they entered. Izuku looked round looking for someone. Rōzu looked around too and saw that Katsuki Bakugo was missing. Iida guessed who they were looking for and said they tried to stop him but he left for the day. Izuku said thanks and waved goodbye to Rōzu and went running to find Bakugo. Rōzu then glanced at Shoto who was looking at her concerned as if to ask if she was ok. She didn't have anytime to react because all of a sudden she was surrounded by the others in her class. They were all complimenting her quirk and how powerful it was. They were in shock from how she managed to act as a kidnapped person and a hero whilst letting Ochako get to the weapon an how she held Iida so that he couldn't stop her teammate. Iida was also very complimentary and said how she did a great job at acting as the hero. She nodded speechless and embarrassed. Rōzu didn't ever like attention and always liked to hide herself away, whereas right then she was surrounded by the rest of the students with nowhere to go. After a few minutes of Rōzu's idea of torture the bell went for the end of the day. She sighed in relief and waited for everyone to leave the room before heading towards Shoto. He smiled at her and gave her a kick nudge with his shoulder telling her what a good job she did. Rōzu returned the favour as they walked home for the night.

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