Chapter 8: Coincidences are real and Dangerous

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Tw: Knives and knife injury

As lunch ended, the three friends (Bakugo, Kirishima and Kaminari) accepted Rōzu into their group and swore that they would help her in anyway that they could. She was happy that she could trust them to be there for her and she told them the same, that if they needed her for anything then she would try and help in any way that she could. They exchanged phone numbers so they could keep in touch and soon headed back towards the classroom laughing and joking around. Rōzu was happy she had found friends that she felt that she fit in with and didn't notice how fast the lesson was until the end of school bell rung. The four friends waited up for each other before leaving the classroom and headed outside, where Rōzu had a nasty shock. People from the whole of class 1A were standing out in the open unable to get out of the gate. As Rōzu pushed past her classmates to see what was happening she froze. It was the king. He and a hoard of citizens under his reign were lined along the gate allowing no escape from the school grounds. "Ahhhhh. There she is, my lovely little daughter. I was so worried about you Rōzu, I thought something terrible happened." He said in a mocking voice. Rōzu started to shake, not out of fear, but out of anger. She dropped her bag on the floor and walked a little closer. "Really, stop with the faking. I, for one know that you never cared for me," anger was rising within her as she started shouting at him, "YOU ARE NOT EVEN MY FATHER, YOU NEVER WERE AND YOU NEVER WILL! YOU NEVER ACCEPTED ME FOR WHO I AM AND YOU ALWAYS ABUSED MY BODY! Scars, scars are all over my body from what you have done to me. All the tortures you put me through. Not giving me things to eat for days on end, not allowing me to have any friends or go to school, setting me up on blind dates and forcing me to wear skirts, just for your benefits. You always cut me, you always forced me into a chair that had a chain around the middle where my tummy was and the chain was attached to the wall. WHAT WERE YOU EVEN TRYING TO ACHIEVE?" Everybody behind Rōzu stared at her bewildered. "Come now Rōzu, you don't deserve to be here, none of these people care about you...." He trailed off. "DON'T CARE ABOUT ME? DON'T CARE ABOUT ME! A LOT OF THESE PEOPLE CARE ABOUT ME AND MY HEALTH. I HAVE SOME AMAZING FRIENDS THAT I HAVE MADE ALREADY AND THEY WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR ME! WHY CANT YOU LEAVE ME ALONE TO BE HAPPY?" Rōzu shouted not caring about who was listening. "Friends..... hmmmm, I see well you will have to come back to me if you don't want anyone to get hurt." He said as everyone in the line pulled out knives from small boxes they were carrying.

Rōzu froze, she didn't want anyone to get hurt. She turned and looked at them all and saw that they were scared, she turned and saw Kirishima, Kaminari and Bakugo, she had only just got them she didn't want to lose them. She turned back around and made her decision. "NO! I will never go with you, no matter what you won't hurt me anymore." With that the king gave a signal and a dozen knives where thrown at her classmates. It was like she was watching it all in slow motion, she reached both her hands out either side of her body and created a temporary ice barrier that stopped the knives from hitting anyone and came straight down again. Before, Rōzu knew it she was throwing ice and fire at every knife that came close to her classmates as they watched in shock land awe, unable to move and help her out. Some of the knives went too close to her friends and classmates faces for comfort. With these knives she caught with her bare hands. One of the knives in particular was about 1 inch away from Shoto's face. To be able to stop these knives she had to let herself get injured and have the knife penetrate her arm instead of her friends and classmates. "ENOUGH!" Rōzu shouted at the psychotic king. Everyone of the civilians stopped and stared at her for a moment and then looked down into their boxes, realising they had run out of knives. "You have hurt me long enough, you don't deserve to be a parent figure. I have finally found my true family, and I have so many amazing friends. Leave the school grounds now, you are finished, none of my friends are hurt, and you won't ever be able to hurt them ever, I will never let you come near them again!" Rōzu said confidently, although she was in pain. "You are delusional Rōzu, these are not your friends, they are your enemies..." "NO!" Rōzu interrupted, "They are not my enemies they are my friends...... and these are my teachers." She said gesturing to the teachers that had arrived and were surrounding her entire class. She suddenly felt a hand being placed gently on her shoulder "Thank you Rōzu for stopping them from coming in here and hurting your classmates." Said a voice behind her. She looked behind her and saw her teacher Mr Aizawa smiling kindly at her before turning his attention towards the king and his citizens. As she watched her teacher walk away towards the king Rōzu became aware of the pain in her arms and how much blood she lost. Thinking quickly she took her blazer off to see the damage to her arms. It was bad but it could've been worse. Luckily it was only on the bottom half of her arms and the cuts didn't seem too deep either. However, she did feel a little sick.

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