The game mlb

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Pairings: up to author

Summary: marinette stared at her torn sketch book on the ground and up to her smirking/glaring class mates. Her class mates were proud at what they done, after all the girl stole Lila's designs. They thought the bully would cry but where shock to see a sinister grin on her face as she walked out of the door. The class felt for the first time that they had mess with the wrong girl.

It's was so proven right when marinette announced to the whole school the return of her game. She explained the rules as her class stare at her in horror, what kind of game is this! When one of the classes asked if akuma class will be under protection again, Marinette smirked.

"No they free game now." She said.

The class felt the whole school staring at them now. What the heck is going on. Only three of the classmates know.

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