life ain't fair

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Y / N

I came back from work around 7 and found my 17 years old boy snoring on the couch. His mouth hanging open making me chuckled.

I took off my coat and hanged it on my coat hanger stands leaving my brown dress that reached until my knees. I put my leather bag on the coffee table and sat on the floor. He was laying across the couch with his head on top of the armrest couch.

I brushed his soft brunette hair back revealing his wide forehead. I closed his mouth by pushing up his jaw. I chuckled watching groaned and squirmed around.

I had a fun time watching him sleeping. I wonder if he going back home any time soon. As much as I like him being here, he still needs to go home since he's a minor. A sudden vibrate on the table caught my attention. He left his phone on the table.

I grabbed his phone and the contact named 'Father' on the display. I swiped it to answer and put it on my ear.

"Jeongguk! Finally! I almost thought about sending people to kidnap you." I quietly listened and didn't reply.

"Listen here Jeongguk, there's a friend of mine who had a beautiful daughter. So We decided to put both of you together in the hand of marriage."

I stood there frozen in my place after what I heard. My hand was cold and numb. I don't know how to feel or think. My heart clenched hard for some reason and I feel a lump in my throat.

Right, it's not like his father gonna allow a girl who 8 years older than him.

"Jeongguk?" I snapped back and realize I had been quiet. I quickly hung up without a second thought. I put the phone on the desk with a train of thoughts inside my head.

I can't forget that Jeongguk still a minor. I sighed thinking how can I had a nightstand with a minor and he is 8 years younger than me. But at the same time, he came to the club in the first place and I don't know he got in. I rubbed my face and breath out again.

Damn, we both going to jail.

Am I wishing that I never met him in the first place? I don't know? Sometimes I wish I met him after he's in state of legal age. If I hadn't met him, this probably happens too.  He's probably get married by now if I haven't met him. But even I'm with him in the present, I can't do anything if his father tried to marry him off.

I groaned and shut my eyes. This is so fuck up. I was getting clueless right now.

"Y/N?" I jolted as I heard a voice behind me. I loosened up a bit when I saw Jeongguk looking at me with sleepy eyes.

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