The beginning

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"Beep boop." I whispered to myself quietly as I walk to school (its a coping mechanism), fixing my tie and straightening my backpack that's waaaay to big. Hand in hand with my skinhead dad (with loads of tattoos) and our massive eff off dog Nelly in dads other hand. I can't believe I'm going to highschool already. Primary school went so quickly and so slowly at the same time. I'm glad its over though. I think..

There was so many horrible people there. Of course there were nice ones too, but most of them followed the crowd. I'll list just some of the thingys.

~They made fun of my name, Tuesday. I mean come on, I was born on a Tuesday, a reasonable explanation. At least its not Lulu because I was born in our bathroom toilet.

~They made fun of my eczema, calling me an alien and creating "the Tuesday touch" as if eczemas contagious.

~All my friends left early, Anna my best friend left in year 2, Kaya another friend left me for the "popular people" in year three. (I have a feeling they invited her to join them to spite me.) She came to her senses for a while, but then moved to Kenya. Which was a plot twist to me. I cried buckets. I cry so much... Um.... Anyway. My final "friend" Brooke just turned out to be a bully in disguise. She made my life hell and constantly tampered with me. On one truth or dare she tried to get me to take off my clothes in front of everyone..... Of course I refused so no graphic images for you there.

~ A final thing I'm gonna say over all of the others is one person who really messed with me. My first boyfriend. Him and another boy fought over me and I picked him. After a year or two he was talking to the prettiest girl in the year saying he was single. We inevitably broke up when I heard, but I still liked him till year six, which messed with my head, as he was messing me about throughout it all, like using me as his puppet. I finally saw what a doUCHE BUTTCRACK MCGEE he was when I was trying to get him away from a group of girls I hope would notice me. When he shouted in my face "YOUR UGLY AND NO ONE WILL EVER LOVE YOU." And unfortunately, I still believe him.

Tearing up at the thought I realise were close to the school and soon I won't be save with my dad anymore, I'll be walking into the scary building where I'll have to spend the next four years of my life. I hope this school will be better.

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