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Tubbo wakes up to find Ranboo isn't there. So he grabs Micheal and leaves the house to look for his husband. Tubbo and Micheal go into a Field and see Ranboo staring into space with a sword in his hand. Tubbo was unaware that Dream was controlling Ranboo then. So he walks up to Ranboo and asks him 'What are you doing'.

Ranboo or Dream who was controlling him at the moment looked at Tubbo and Micheal and lifted up his sword. Tubbo looked at his husband with fear in his eyes. Ranboo then stabbed tubbo through Micheal. Killing the two. Dream then leaves Ranboos mind as their bodies fall to the ground.

Once Ranboo realised what he had done to the only people who trusted him he broke down in tears. With the tears burning his face he drops the sword and runs knowing he has nobody anymore and it's all his fault. Leaving forever.

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