The thirty-ninth chapter

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(Alright so... Good and bad things... The good thing is that I'm gonna start animating something that is about the book. The bad thing is that this means there won't be any pictures because I will spend the picture time doing the animation! Just a little note for you guys!)

(Btw! This chapter is gonna sound crazy I know... But this is how my AU has worked the whole time... It might sound crazy but this is actually planned!)


Garcello pov. (Every day we stray further from Y/N's pov... lmao)

We are all sitting on the couch inside Y/N's living room. Y/N searched for a bit in the kitchen and found five candles that looked almost identical to each other as well as an old drawing board that had a small red pen attached. 

"I think we should plan beforehand to make sure that we do this correctly... It's gonna be a very delicate process as far as I understand it... I don't remember much about what I read back then about the guy but I know a few things..." I say slowly having my hands put linked together resting my elbows on my lap.

"The book I used that time to summon him was telling me that the demon being summoned would be random but it takes more if it's a specific person..." I sigh looking at the candles that had been tied up by Y/N.

"You have to put someone's DNA that matches the person you are looking for... If this guy is your dad then he will be summoned." I end my sentence looking at the blue-haired boy who smiles at me softly. 

I ruffle his hair laughing slightly feeling strangely worried... What if he was my child?... The beeping from the boy causes me to jolt slightly and I laugh again when I realize that I spaced out!

"Sorry little man. I spaced out for a moment... Did your significant-" "Girlfriend..." "Oh? Alright!" His girlfriend cut me of looking slightly happy but also a bit proud. 

"Our names are actually boyfriend and Girlfriend... It's a bit weird sure... But it is the only thing we know to call each other." The girl tells me making me feel like there was something I didn't understand.

"Sorry for asking but... How come you phrase it like that? 'It's the only thing we know to call each other?' What do you mean by that?" I ask feeling like there was something that is going on that I don't know about.

"Well... Boyfriend, would it be alright to tell them?" She looks over to her boyfriend putting a hand out towards him as a small gesture. The boy beeps slightly unsure at first but then he boops louder and more confident. The Girlfriend's face seems to light up and she snickers slightly.

"Alright, so we are not really normal people if you can't see that... We are really short and we almost look like children but we are mature and we know more than we should for looking like this... Not only that but we don't even remember our real names..." The Girlfriend tells me looking at her Boyfriend.

"We were born angel and demon... But we were sent to earth because we weren't the way angels and demons were supposed to be... We don't know who our original parents are only that we are adopted..." The Girlfriend tells us rubbing the back of her head looking down.

"Before born angels and demons are sent down or up to earth they make them age quicker so that when they get down they can start a real-life..." She continues to speak and I feel my breath hitch slightly... This... 

"Garcello... Are you alright?" I can feel Y/N's hand on my shoulder his voice smoothing but not helping... Is he my child?

"Sorry I... I'm not sure if I'm ready to meet him..." I tell them as I shiver not really knowing if he'd recognize me at this point... He probably doesn't even want to see me if he is the father...

Thinking a bit through on how to do this I get an idea! I start to ruffle the little man's hair again he makes a shaking beep like he is laughing. Then I take a strand of his hair that is standing up and pull swiftly. The male boops uncomfortably from the small pain of that one hair strand and I chuckle a bit.

"Sorry, little man! I need a piece of your DNA to summon this little rascal!" I told him giving him a big smile even though on the inside it feels like I just want to crawl into a ball and cry... I don't want to bring this man down...

The boy boops making me feel better on the inside and I still have that stupid smile on my face... How would I ever be able to keep a relationship with Y/N like this?... I'm not even sure that he is my son... 

"We should do this in another place because I don't want to smother my floor with a red pen while not being able to take it off..." Y/N tells us making me smile softly towards him. I nod towards him and then look at the blue-haired little man.

"Do you know any places that have almost no people?" I tell them not to want to put too much attention on anyone in this room because there are gonna be a lot of lights while summoning.

The boy beeps proudly putting his hands on the couch and then jumping off of it. He then puts his hands on his sides and looks to nowhere being really dramatic. I laugh at this and stand up as well snorting slightly. 

"Alright then let's go!" I tell him and the boy runs towards the door holding the pencil in his hand.


It is nighttime and the only thing you can hear now is the hooting of owls coming from the abandoned forest... I didn't think that he would submit this option... 

The woods haven't been walked into by many people because of the rumors it had been holding for a long time... People have disappeared and never come back... Some were found but in the worst condition ever...

A lot of people have died in here... If I'm not thinking wrong there used to be a small little village in there but it was bought by someone with ill intentions and everyone ended up becoming starved or beaten to death by the workforce working for the village...

"This... Is this really where you want to do this, little man?" I ask him feeling worried about even stepping one foot into that place... The boy beeps excitingly not really seeming to know what happens in there...

"We are basically immortal, Garcello..." The girl tells me making me relax slightly more than before but then realize what she is telling me...

"Y/N and I are not though..." I tell her pointing my index finger towards Y/N who is right in front of me to my right. The small girl just laughs at my comment slightly echoing and I feel a small shiver through my spine. I guess I know who the demon is now...

The boy has already disappeared through the woods and I feel sweat going over my face... What if we don't make it?... I hope that Y/N will be alright!


(Lmao, another cliffhanger for you guys! The creepy stuff happening in the woods is not creepypasta btw! That is not gonna be a part of this world! It's not necessary -w-')

-----(Until the next chapter!)-----

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