Capter 10 The WWP and Kid!!!

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Izuku's point of view

So lets just say I got yelled at from Aizawa for missing a Day of Class because of my night with Rias but Hey In my defense he should of known that would happen I mean It happened with Rumi and the Others but then again it was a Sunday I missed Sunday but again we have a week off for Training so I don't get why he is mad

But Whatever when I got back to the Dorms I was greeted my the girls and Momo kissed me which some were still shocked about well mainly the guys the girls just got jealous a little, Gwen came up and asked me If I have picked a work study yet, and I realized I forgot to tell them that I'll be going to Study with the WWP

After The week for training and the others to pick their work studies It was Time to go the Heros we picked of course Dickless Sonic stayed Behind because He was gonna go after Stain but I shut that down, anyway Tiger picked me up but Nemeri and Rumi stopped us before we left and Gave Tiger and note to give the Female Pussy Cats after that we left to go to the their base that was also a camp site

It took us about 2 to 3 hours to get to the base but I was Fun me and Tiger Talked about some stuff and we found out we had a lot in common we both hate people who use others, people who don't give it their all, pretty much everything I hate about people he hated, so we got along great

When We reached the Base I got out to see the Female Members of the Pussy Cats and A kid I ran his mind and saw he lost his parents to a villain and he was in pain, so I wanted to help him so I walked up to him with the Pussy Cats giving me a worried look, I know why but that ain't stopping me

Izuku: Hey I'm Izu-

I couldn't finishes because he punch me in the dick and started to walk away

Kota: Stupid He-

Izuku: Did it feel good kid

Kota: What?

Izuku: Did it feel good to punch me in the dick

Kota: Why ask that

Izuku: Because you are angry, upset, scared, feeling alone because you lost you parents

Kota: How do you know that!!!

Izuku: Your face tells me, your parents were Heros and they died

Kota: Shut Up Heros are just Stu-

Izuku: KID!!!!!!

The kid shut up and stood there when the WWP just watched

Izuku: Kid you lost your parents I know but they died being Heros the most honourable way to die, A Hero that dies Is a Hero that is true, your parents were true heros kid, They Fought to the very end, some Heros will pick their Lives over others but not your parents they saved Lives and gave their lives to save hundreds

Kota: But they left me

Izuku: Kid you think they left you they didn't they will always be with you both, you have both your parents watching you, you think your parents would have done what they did if they knew you wouldn't be here when they were gone, They knew you have the power to be something great being Hero or Something else

At this point the kid started to cry

Izuku: Kid your parents might have left this world but like I said they are still here you have their hearts and their passion, You are Strong don't ever forget that your parents saw it and I see it, They Saw a True Hero that will take their lost and turn it Into power

The Kids was on his knees crying with the WWP just watching seeing that I was helping him

Izuku: Kid I'll give 2 choice right now came and give a hug and cry your heart out and let me help you or run what will it be

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