II 2.3 Sybilla

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After breakfast, Serena followed Chris and Bia to their first appointment: a dance lesson. Doubtless, Sybilla would be there. At the same age, they should attend the same lessons. When Serena reached the hall, her heart was beating fast. She had repeated to herself that she would not raise expectations, that she would not hold grudges, that she would not be affected by any presence or attitude of her family. Serena had decided still on the Island that she would not go near Sybilla. The blood ties didn't matter. The identical look didn't matter. She wasn't her family. Her family was the Island.

Serena had repeated these arguments like a mantra to herself since she'd known she was going to Shailaja. But now, on the way to the dance hall, her certainties were losing strength. Sybilla was not to blame for her parents' attitude. She was a child when they parted. And while Serena thought the twin would be able to know she wasn't crazy then, the same couldn't be said now. After all these years, her memories of her sister were not so vivid. She knew it would be like that with Sybilla too.

Her parents, the people she trusted most in the world, claimed that Serena was dangerous, insane. How could she not believe them? Had they instructed Sybilla to back off?

Her parents knew Serena was in Shailaja. Raoul and Enzo contacted them and explained that the Island was no longer safe and Serena, as a Hyancinthe heiress, needed to be as protected as possible. She was told they were aware of it, but received no messages from her parents.

When they entered the hall, Serena soon saw her sister. Sybilla was at a distance with other young women. All wore very fine clothes, with colorful embroidery and large full skirts. Their hair was neatly tied in different hairstyles. She noticed when her sister, wearing a delicate dark pink dress, glanced at her. There were still a few minutes until the start of the lesson, but she didn't come closer. Serena waited in a corner with Chris and Bia until a tall, thin lady with an extremely upright posture arrived. She wore a bun so tight that Serena thought about the headache she was having.

- Good Morning. I am Mrs. Ainsley and in this first lesson we are going to practice waltz. I hope the ladies had the opportunity to practice over the summer, but it takes technique to be tolerable escorts - Serena heard Chris snort and tried to contain a smile.

The lesson went on for two hours. Chris and Serena were a duo and took turns leading. As the two waltzed perfectly, they did not attract the attention of Mrs. Ainsley, who preferred to scold other, more clumsy young women. When the lesson was finally over, Serena saw Sybilla hurry out of the room. It would be like that, she thought, as a mixture of relief and sadness invaded her heart. They would avoid each other's presence.


The walls of the main hall were carved from stone, like the rest of the fortress. However, deep windows protected by heavy glass gave a view of the countryside, followed by the dark sand and, in the background, the sea. Hannah chose a spot near the window and waited. She was one of the first freshmen to find the salon. The other newcomers were arriving little by little. Only girls. In Shailaja, interactions between men and women during lessons were nil. Hannah could feel eyes shifting to her as the young women entered the room and could even hear a few whispers of her name. Apparently, news of her arrival was spreading through Shailaja. The whispers were cut short as Yezekael entered the hall with vigor.

- Welcome. I would like everyone to feel at home. I hope you received your schedules and met the servants in your quarters. Please feel free to ask them what you need. As freshmen, you should keep in mind that these early lessons are of great importance to your development.

Hannah noted that Mr. Yezekael had given no sign of acknowledging her. He was good at it. After the first words of welcome, he amended a long, monotonous speech about Shailaja's rules: they shouldn't leave the fortress after dark, they shouldn't, under any circumstances, leave the boundaries of the grounds, it was not advisable for ladies to walk alone in the corridors and ladies were supposed to retire at 10 pm.

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