1.the beginning

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In a white room we see a green haired woman giving birth while there is a man and woman in doctor coat's helping inko get her baby out of her.


Doctor1&2:yes ma'am just one moore. push!!!


Doctor:its a boy mrs.midoriya congratulations!!!!!!

Inko:*gasping* can i hold him *panting* please.

Doctor.lisa:yes of course ma'am *hands the baby over*.

(Sorry got sick of typing doctorjohn 1 or lisa2)

Inko:my baby is so cute with his diamond shaped freckles!!

Doctor.john:mrs.midoriya what would you like to name your son. wait there another coming out!!!!

Inko:what i thought it was only one chIILLLLDD!!!!

Doctor.lisa:ok here he is such a cute baby.

Inko:so cute but he takes after his father more than me with his black hair so I'll name this one kuro.


                 Time skip : 4 years

Inko: ok we have to head to the quirk doctor grab your bentos and your sippie cups.

Izuku/kuro: ok mom here we come!!!

They rush to the front door kuro wearing his grantorino shirt while izuku is wearing a eraserhead shirt when they got to the doctor office he came in and said.

Doctor.yukashi:i have some news ma'am both of your sons are quirkless.

When the two boys heard this they looked like there world shattered and collapsed on it self right before they eyes not one of them spoke or blinked.

Inko: are you sure aren't there anything we can do to see.*inko pleading*

Inko is scared her husband hisashi is coming home from his ' business ' trip over seas and he hated quirkless people inko never saw anything wrong with someone being quirkless and that when he started beating her now she was afraid what he would do now that both her baby's where quirkless when they got home she went and told her boys that when daddy gets home lie and say that you izuku have a slight enhanced intelligence quirk and kuro you will say that you have faster art developing quirk.

After 4 years there father came back and when he asked what quirk they got they said what they were told by  there mother he was still upset his kids had weak 'quirks' in his eyes but he only berated and hit them every now and again way better than if he found out.

When the brothers headed inside there classroom they see there friends katsuki,Lana and Frederick they went toward the boys and as usual they got a shit eating grin and pushed them both on the ground and called izuku (deku) and kuro (Yowa) they both sat their in silence izuku was about to cry but kuro wouldn't let him kuro didn't want them to get the satisfaction of seeing his brother cry so him and izuku walked out to the other area of the room and played together.

6 years later hisashi found out and started beating the boys a lot more and hella of a lot more aggressive towards inko he comes back at night drunk and smelling of booze with random woman while inko does nothing but try and patch up her sons at school the bullying has gotten worst but kuro learned how to fight and box to protect izuku so only the big three of the school is the only one to mess with them izuku studies and tried to learn how to fight but he isn't as good as his brother so he decided to just focus on learning and analyzing quirks and people weakness also some engineering since he still desires to be a hero kuro wants to be a hero agent so that he doesn't have to be in the spotlight.

But for right now for them it seems like a dream that is unobtainable for them being quirkless so izuku come up with the idea of them learning how to do some other stuff so izuku learns how to sing and some parkour kuro learns play instruments,draw,music and editing so they decide to do a video since other were making money they wanted to aswell to get out and take there mom with them so they recorded and this is what the video is.

For a few seconds kuro was so surprised that he didn't notice for a few seconds his brother izuku on the floor crying so he rushed over there and told his brother.

Kuro: IZUKU you are not worthless our deadbeat father is we will get out of this house soon with mom don't worry.

Izuku:*sniff*ok ok *shed one last tear.

After kuro edited the video he posted it
They went to sleep so they can get up for school the next day.

When they woke up they looked and they had 1million views on there video so they decided to do another before school.

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To be continued...........

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