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Death is also what brings life *quote*by me

Kuro:izuku hurry up if we don't want to be late again or those damn insufferable dicks will bother us again!!!

Izuku: here i come and keep your voice down wr don't want *him*to hear us!

Kuro: that stinking drunk of a father isn't here so we have to hurry.

The two boys rushed off to school with izuku free running on rooftops and kuro with his natural sprint that was faster than most keeping up with his brother.

When they got into class the 3 dicks glared at the two with malice and anger before they can say anything the teacher instructed everyone to be seated and quiet for morning rolecall the day went like any other boring classes and the big 3 harassing the two boys.

==========the end of the day========

Ok class i have to hand out these career aptitude test *throws papers* but i know you all want to be heroes!!!!

The class cheered and started using there quirks except the 3 and izuku and kuro.

katsuki: don't lump me and these trash together they would be lucky to be a side kick to a d- list side kick*starts laughing*.

The class yelling and saying he over his head.

Teacher:oh bakugo don't you want to go to ua.

Class: murmur only 5% make it into ua.

Katsuki:that why u.a. is the only place worthy of having me.

Teacher: oh yeah didn't izuku wanted to go to u.a. aswell.

The class was silent the abrupt laughter surrounded the room and comments like just cause u can sing doesn't mean that you can be a hero. you would die in the practical test.

There was a loud sigh that had clear annoyance in it all the kids followed the noise back to kuro they glared at him and he glared back before anything happened the school bell rang signaling the end of the day.

When the 2 brothers was about to leave bakugo came up and exploded both to the back of the room and yelled they better stay out his way and walked out the class with his lackeys.

Kuro: *ugh* we need to head home for another video we made a bit of money from the last one but not enough to leave with mom.

Izuku: ok but what kind of song should we do.

Kuro: i think we should do a more upbeat song since that might draw more attention for our channel.

After walking they heard a huge explosion so they ran towards it izuku getting on the roofs while kuro sprinted there what they saw was terrible buildings on fire cars flipped over or exploded a group that was watching now had half of them hit with shrapnel izuku and kuro tried helping as many people as possible while the heroes was trying to get a teen that had an explosion quirk making most of the damage.

???: IZUKU!!!!!!!!!!!!! KURO!!!!!!!!!!!!

They both look and see inko coming towards them but a car had exploded and everything went black for izuku.

==========A few hours later=========

izuku:ugh hey kuri mom you ok.

He looked around and saw his mother badly burnt and a metal piece in her spine his brother had so much blood on him that he couldn't tell where to look to see his injuries izuku then felt himself he was covered in blood to he tried to stand but he fell that when he realized he was missing his left leg that when the pain shot through his body screaming at the top of his lungs.

Galmight:I AM HERE.

IZUKU:Where was she this slime villain has been doing this fot an hour his mother,brother and everyone was hurt but here she was with a smile did she not see our condition that smile does nothing for us yet here she is smiling

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IZUKU:Where was she this slime villain has been doing this fot an hour his mother,brother and everyone was hurt but here she was with a smile did she not see our condition that smile does nothing for us yet here she is smiling.

Kuro:*low tired voice*izuku come here.

Izuku: yes brother *crying*.

Kuro:can you see mom if so grab her and leave this place isn't safe.

Izuku:i can't i lost a leg are we going to die.

Kuro: no izuku i promise *dies*.

Izuku couldn't take it the stress if everything had his heart go into overdrive and his head was spinning and screaming the pain from his wounds and missing leg pushing him over his limits and then he passed out what he didn't notice however was that he and his brother activated their quirk.

Kuro:turned into a black sludge and instinctively went to izuku while izuku activated his quirk DNA semblance.

========== a few days later==========

Izuku body been on auto pilot our to be more precise kuro has but kuro is dead but something came from his death his new form calling himself.



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Sorry this had to be short i need you guys to vote.





Bye guys and pick soon will update .


To be continued........

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