Chapter 5

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We got into his room and he closed the door. I put my stuff down and he sat next to me. I didn't really want to do the project but I didn't say that I didn't. He looked at the project and shook his head. He felt the same way. I took my phone out to check the time. It was almost 4. What did he do while I was asleep? It didn't take that long to get to his house from where we were at. I set my phone down on the bed and Haden got up. He walked over to his computer and went to Apple Music. Then he started to play music that we both new and used to dance to when we were younger. Some of it was new song that we both know as well. He started to walk over to me. He grabbed my hands and pulled me up onto my feet. Next thing I know we are dancing. I didn't even know I remembered to foot work that we made up to the song A Thousand Years. This was the happiest I have been in years. When the song was over, all I could do is stare into his eyes.

A few hours passed and it was pretty much 9. And we were on our way out to drop me off. The whole trip back I was trying to get ahold of Owen but he never answered. So I just put my phone down. I looked over at him and he was smiling. Like he thought of something and it made him happy. His smile made me smile. I looked back out the window and we were pulling up into the parking lot. We got out and started to walk to my bed till Mrs. Andrews called Haden over to the stand. I looked over at her then at him and shrugged, I just kept on walking. When I got to my bed and tossed my phone onto my bed, I ended up sighing. Knowing that Owen won't be here anymore was going to be hard when I go to sleep. I looked over to see Haden right there. He told me he had to go before his mom and dad got home and gave me a hug, then left. I sat on my bed to fall asleep. But the thing was, I couldn't. I had nightmare after nightmare. One time Mrs. Andrews had to come in and wake me up because I was screaming. That's when I walked out to the escape room to sleep so I wouldn't wake anyone else.

 A few days later I completely moved into the room. I had a bed, the bathroom, and all of my fighting stuff, along with all of my other things that were in the main building. And still I couldn't get ahold of Owen. So I spent most of my days in my room texting Haden and listening to music. I also had to practice to get my head off everything. I was too busy to notice the door open. The next thing I know, someone was holding the punching bag. And I couldn't move it anymore. I looked around to see Haden so I took out my earbuds.

"She was right, it's bad." He said as he walked around to me.

"She? What do you mean she?" I asked as I gave him a hug of relief.

"Mrs. Andrews. The day she called me to the counter she had me give her my phone number. She new it would become like this since Owen isn't here. So she has my number if you got like this so I could come. And I talked to my mom and dad and they're coming over today to talk to you."

"Ok I have a few questions. One how many times has she called you and two what do you mean to talk?" I asked as I took off my boxing gloves and set them on the table.

"This is the first time calling me but she's texted me keeping tabs on you for me because I asked her so I know how you are doing. And they are coming to visit. I talked to them saying how you're my girlfriend and how it's been hard for you lately." He said as handed me my brace.

"Well did you tell them about my past because if you did I don't mind."

"No I didn't because I didn't know how you would react and if you would be ok with it but I'll tell them before we leave."

"Ok." I looked down, "do you think they'll like me."

He grabbed my hands in his, "Absolutely." He smiled.

"Just seeing you helps Haden." I said as I forced a hug, trying not to cry.

We hung out for a while before he had to leave. Then I got myself all ready for the day. I met his parent before but that was before I joined the gang. Before everything that has happened to me happened. I wanted to wear something that was nice not my normal tank top under a flannel. So I wore my black leather jacket with jeans some boots and I white shirt. I left my hair down and put on a necklace. Then I got a text from Haden. They were here. I walked into the main building to meet them and say hi. Then they asked to go into my room so I brought them. We sat on my bed and started to talk. They told me they were sorry about what happened to me and talked about Haden and I's relationship. Then they popped with a question. A question that changed my life.

"So would you be ok with you if we legally adopted you but you can stay in Haden's room and still be his girlfriend. We would just be your legal guardian. So you have a home and you're not by yourself. Would you like too?" Mrs. Fields asked as she looked at Mr. Fields.

I looked at Haden, he was smiling. "Yes! Yes I would love too!" I said excitedly.

"Ok great. I see you use this stuff a lot right?" Mr Fields asked looking around.

"Um yeah, my dad taught me to fight and fighting helps keep my mind off things when there's something wrong a lot of the times." I said as I looked around as well.

"Well we have a room almost like this one the has a few work out things in it but not a lot so if you want to move some of this stuff in to the room you can. We just need to bring Haden's truck."

"Cam has a truck as well dad so I can come back after we get back home, help her pack and bring my truck and she can drive her truck." Haden said as he looked at me.

"That works. It gives me a little time to pack up before he get here as well." I said as I stood up.

"Ok so Trent and I will go up to the front desk and say that we are going to adopt you but Haden will be here in a little bit to pick you up." Mrs. Fields said as her and Mr. Fields got up to head out. I was so excited.

"Ok well I'll head out with them and organize my room then comeback to help you pack." Haden said as he stood right next to me.

"Well how about we both organize your room. That way we can make it to where we are both happy with it."

"That fine with me. But I still have to drop mom and dad off and grab my truck." He said as he looked deep into my eyes.

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