Naito. M (Ice Skating)

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"You're going to fall. You need to balance."

"I'm trying! The ice is too slippery!" You opened your mouth to complain again, only to fall forward and face-plant. Mudano pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed before skating towards you. He leaned down to help you up but you waved him away. "No, no, I can do this. I can learn on my own and we can skate perfectly together," you say as you slowly get up — only to fall again.

Your boyfriend sighed again and pulled you up before you can complain again. "Teaching you is fine. I'll guide you," he said while you hold onto him for support. "No, it's okay. I'll look stupid if you're teaching me."

"You already look stupid not accepting my help."

You frowned at him. He only crossed his arms and watched you slowly slide away from a light breeze. You soon picked up speed, panicked, and twirled around in a circle in an attempt to turn and go back to Mudano. You soon lost control and slipped, closing your eyes to brace for the impact. Feeling no pain, you opened your eyes to see a very amused Mudano holding you by your waist.
"Let me help you. This is a date, isn't it? It's not fun if we're not spending time together and you're just skating on your own."

"I'll look awkward," you whined.

"So? I've always wanted to teach you how to skate. Here, hold my hands."

You nodded and held both of his hands. "Don't look down," he said, "look at me. You'll panic when you look down and see that you're losing balance." When you failed to keep your eyes on him, he lifted your chin and slid his hand in your own again. "No, look at me."
Beads of sweat appeared on your face as you looked at his shoulder instead with a slightly flushed face. Looking anywhere but his eyes are fine.

"Don't." Unamused, he cupped your face and forced you to look at him again. "Why are you looking away?"
You shut your eyes nervously. You can still feel his gaze boring into your face. He pinched your cheeks, clearly done with your bs. "Is something wrong?"

"No. It's just that I'm afraid I'll get distracted by your face and I'll make both of us fall."


"You're hot."

You opened your eyes when he pressed a kiss to your forehead with a shameless smack. "It's okay. You're distracting, too," he replied before gently pulling you while he skated slowly, only taking small strides to gradually gain speed while ignoring your red face.

"Think of this like walking but with more balance. Hold out your arms if needed. Lean a little and angle your feet to turn," he explained while making a turn, holding your waist tightly when you held his shoulders. "O-okay."

After a while of him guiding you around, he kissed your forehead. "Ready?" You frowned and looked at him.
"Get ready for wh-" he let go of you before you can finish. He skidded to a stop to watch you skate on your own while you were screaming. "You're doing great! Now turn and come to me!" He shouted over your screaming. You nodded and recalled what he taught you. You swerved successfully and looked up at him happily. Although you can't see it from where you are, you're sure he's smiling.

His smile faltered when he saw you purposely going faster.
He moved backward while holding out his hands as he saw your mischievous grin.
"Wait, Y/N-!!"
It was too late.
You launched yourself at him, causing both of you to fall.

"Don't you EVER let me go again."



"What are you doing?" Jin glared at Shiki, who was hiding behind bushes with his phone out. The boy laughed and showed him pictures of you and Mudano skating. "Blackmail."
Jin looked up to see Mudano holding your hand as both of you skated together, Mudano looking at you fondly while you laughed.
Jin grabbed Shiki's phone and deleted the pictures while bonking him.

"Leave them. They're happy."


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