Naito M. (Kissing Lessons)

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Naito x Adult! Reader
Drawing made by me 😌
This man is my favorite I swear-
I'm sorry for writing him so much — it's just that I think of stuff that would match for him 😭
Also, this one might be kinda spicy 🥴

'Why the hell won't he kiss me?' You thought as you flipped a page in your book while waiting for your boyfriend to finish teaching. You've been dating Mudano for several months now but he hasn't made the first move to kiss you. Every time the right moment passed, your eyes would be locked onto each other but he never budged. If nothing happens, he'll move away and graze your cheek before walking away — if you're not on a date and he has work to do.

You hear a knock on your door before it creaked open. You looked up to see your boyfriend visibly annoyed; his hair is disheveled from running his elegant fingers through his hair, the first few buttons of his dress shirt undone just seconds ago, and his calm, narrow eyes now glaring at everything while he sighed heavily. However, his eyes softened and relieved, he took the book out of your hand and set it on the nightstand before lying down on the bed and pulling you against him, his face buried in your chest to get comfortable.

You run your fingers through his messy hair to comb it out. You felt the tension leave his body as he sighed contently, pulling you closer with his arms wrapped around your waist.
'This is a perfect time, right? He'll finally come in for a kiss, right?'

A low groan emitted from his throat, sending vibrations through your chest. His hand began slowly running up and down your back before eventually resting on the center of your back.
"Mm?" He hummed in response while reaching up to play with your hair. When he didn't hear you say anything else, he looked up lazily to see you covering your reddened face.
"Hm? Baby?" He rolled over and wrapped his fingers around your wrists and pulled them away from your face. "Why's your face so red?" He chuckled with a faint smirk.

You turned your head slightly while averting your gaze. "Your hands just feel desperate and that caught me off guard," you mumbled. "And...I was thinking of kissing you."

He leaned in a little so that your noses are touching, his eyes half-lidded while he stared down at you.

"What's stopping you?"

Ring ring
Fuckin ring ding the
Mudano sighed in irritation and pulled out his phone. "It's the principal. Hello? Make this quick, please. I'm busy." He glanced at your flushed state and sat on the edge of the bed as if he wasn't about to have a passionate face-sucking session with you. When the call ended, he pinched the bridge of his nose and buttoned up his shirt. "I have to assist the patrol unit. There's a Momotarou somewhere in the area." He looked back at you, his face softening once he saw your face again. He caressed your cheek and pressed his forehead against yours. "I hate to leave you, baby, but I promise I'll be back." He smiled when you shot him a grin and thumbs up. "Cute. Love you," he said as he got off the bed. "I love you too. Please come back safe!" He nodded and left your room after putting on his rollerskates.
"Now I know that he does want to kiss me…" you murmured as you recalled him staring at your lips when he put his forehead against yours.

"What's stopping him?'

* * *

You ended up falling asleep that night and waking up to see a note on top of your book.
" I came back and you were asleep. I brought you something because it reminded me of you. I hope you like it."
You looked beside your book to see a silver necklace in the shape of a heart with a black orb in the center. Oh. You know what this is. You brought the black orb to your eye and closed your other one to see the word "I love you" in a hundred different languages.
Your face fumed with delight as you put it on immediately. You changed clothes and marched over to Mudano's classroom to show him how you look. There shouldn't be any students inside because it's lunchtime. (I wake up at that time too lmao)
You barged inside, startling Mudano, who was about to eat his bento. He looked at you and his eyes wandered to your neck. You saw his eyes widen slightly and then they looked you up and down.

Before you can say anything, he pulled you onto his lap and began to eat. "The necklace suits a beautiful woman like you. But don't you think..." He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "That my hand is a better necklace?"
BOOM. You look like a cherry's cousin.
Words failed you and you can only mutter incoherent words.

Mudano chuckled and lightly grazed your jaw with his finger. "About last night...why wouldn't you kiss me? I saw you staring at my lips," you finally say.

"Mmm. I want you to kiss me first," he said bluntly while running his hands up and down your arms. He looked up at you. "So, why don't you kiss me first? You've been staring at my lips whenever we were close to each other."
"What's stopping you? As tempting as your lips are, I'm holding back to see you make the first move."

He brought your hand up and nibbled the tip of your finger. "Something about you making the first move is...enticing."
He looked at your flustered face and began trailing feathery kisses along your jawline.

He's tempting you.

"I can't...I don't know how to kiss," you admit. He frowned and sat up at eye level. "Easy. Just pucker your lips and lean in."

"But are my lips supposed to be wet? A little dry? Do I have to lick my lips before doing it? Do I have to make smooch sounds? How often do I have to turn my head?"
He sighed at the number of questions that were piling up. He held up a finger to silence you.
"Close your eyes," he said flatly. You did as he said and closed your eyes.

"Tilt your head to the right."
Again, you obeyed.

"Now lean in." Shyly and slowly, you leaned in until you felt your lips connect. His lips were surprisingly soft — but skilled. You heard a loud smack as Mudano broke the kiss and reconnected it. His hand made its way to the back of your head as the other slowly ran down your back until it reached your waistline.
It was barely a minute when he finally pulled away, licking his lips.

"That was a good first kiss, wasn't it?" He asked you as he rested his forehead against yours.
"I still don't know a few things," you replied with a sly smile.

"Then we'll be having a long lesson, darling," he murmured as he leaned and kissed you fervently. It wasn't long before he slipped in his tongue and turned it into a make-out session.

Jyuuji stood in the doorway with his mouth agape. Angrily, he pointed at Mudano after he broke the kiss and looked at the student as if he wasn't about to do something naughty with you on his desk.
"YOU PERVEEEEERT!!! HOW DARE YOU MAKE OUT WITH A PRETTY WOMAN BEFORE ME!!! YOU'RE CRUSHING MY DREAAAAAAM!!!" While he continued shouting, Mudano gently slid you off his lap and pointed to the other door. You laughed and left the room, feeling the note he gave you before you left.

"We'll continue the lessons tonight."

If you can tell, I don't know how to kiss either 💀
But fr, writing this made me feel lonely and I had to search up how to kiss and I felt stupid

And since I finished reading Chainsaw Man, I want to make oneshots because I absolutely LOVE Beam
I actually started drawing him

I drew Mudano in December or Janurary 🐣

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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