Bliss 3

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*Vivian Pov**

    I work up at 6am to Start my day I was feeling great, I spent a few hours with my lover and couldn't wait to see him for lunch today. I got to work at a dresses in a navy blue dress with red pumps and bag to match. I made my way into my office.

"Good morning Miss Richard" my assistant Ashley greeted me with a cup of green tea.

"Morning Ashley" I smiled back

"You are in a good mood today " she arched her perfectly sculpted brow at me.

" is my happiness a bother young lady " I asked as we walked to my office

"No it's rather infectious" she deemed has I take my seat.

" You have three back to back appointments and then you have lunch on the deck with the Mister to go over your pitch on the prison reform program." She continue to inform me of my schedule has I scan the files belonging to my patients.

After dismissing Ashley I had at lease half and hour before my patients arrived so I made some noted and key points that I needed to go over during our meeting.

*Dale Pov**

I made my way down stairs to find the helper making breakfast because my wife surly won't.

"Morning miss Hellen" I greeted the woman in a late 50's.

"Morning sir " she nodded and went back to the stove

" Are the kids ready for school? " I queried wondering why they weren't at the breakfast table

" they are dressed sir but not down as yet" she said lot taking her eyes off the task she is doing

"Is my coffee ready ?"

"Yes sir, it's in your travel mug" she informed while using the fork in her have to point at the items.

"Thank you, miss Hellen" I smiled as the kids entered the kitchen.

"Good morning Daddy!" They both said in union has Chad run towards me with his arms open, I hugged him and breathed in the familiar scent of powder and innocence.

" hey champ, how are you????" I tighten my hug " I missed you boy" I kissed his head

"CHAD!!!! I wanna hug Daddy now!!" My 3 year old cried out.

Even tho my suit will get a bit crumpled I made space in my arms for Dána. I missed my kids and really wanted to be there for them.

The moment was short lived Cynthia came into the kitchen "So can I join in on the hugs?" she asked Wrapping her hands around us, I caught a glimpse of miss Hellen and she had a bright smile on her face the picture perfect family.

"Why are you still in your robe?Don't you have to meet with ladies  foundation today?" I asked Cynthia

" yes but I am not feeling up to it today" she said sounding uninterested
I rolled my eyes at her childish antics

"All you have to do is dress up and talk to a few kids and hand out a few gifts, it's not rocket science Cynthia" I pinched the bridge of my nose stifling the urge to shout.

" All you care Bout is your image ,nothing to do with our marriage! " she shout

" Can you not do this in front of the children?" I asked hating that they had to see us at each other this early in the morning.

" I will drop the kids off at school, no need to get out of your comfort my dear" I said with my voice full of sarcasm. I gathered my things and head for the door with my children in toe.

"Happy Anniversary, to you my oh so caring husband!!" She shouts from a distant, I stopped in my track and turn to watch her ascend the stairs leading to the bedroom.

" how the fuck did I forget that" I chastise myself. I am really blurring the lines these day...yes I am not in love with her but she is still the mother of my children I have to make it up to her but this will mean not spending the full afternoon with my woman.

The Minister's side chickDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora