The other woman 4

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       As I made my way to the table for our lunch date it took everything in me not to hug him or even kiss him. He looks so sexy in his all black suit. He nursed a cup of scotch while sporting a look of deep thought. Walking up to him

" Hi Minister Gale" I greeted has we shook hands

"Miss Richards please have a seat " he said while holding my chair out for me.
Lunch was some what dull compared to our other dates.

"Dale is something wrong?" I asked with concerned he was always full of life and a smile that would have me bent over in the bathroom stall or making our way to whatever private area we can find.

He sighed deeply " today is my anniversary" he said flatly " I didn't remember and it becoming harder each day to care about it at all." Knowing  I couldn't comfort him the way I wanted I removed my shoe and rub my stocking clad foot up and down his leg.
He release a low moan has if this small amount of contact wasn't helping in anyway.

" I want to leave but we know from previous experience that she will always play the victim." He sights
" I want to do better for my kids but I also want to finally be with you and not lose all that we have both work so hard to archive in our respected field." He sighed

I place my foot into my shoes " follow me back to my office so we can run numbers on the reform program" I said with a sly smile

He shook is head " I am planning on having dinner with her tonight" he spoke without making eye contact
"I plan on meeting up with her at a fundraiser for a charity event being held by the prime minister's wife." He blurted. I won't act has if my feelings isn't hurt but that's what happen when your the other woman the small voice in the back of my head lashes. I bit my lips and shook away the tears that threaten to get away.

" it's fine lover" I forced out while I proceed to stroking his leg again.

" I am a big girl, I understand what I was getting into and I am still here" i forced a smile. I continue to rub my feet up his leg.

"Stop by my office and I can show you how much I am fine with you taking her out, I need to see you" i watch has he fought is inner battle watching has a smile from on his lips

" hour and then I have to get going " I automatically started to beem with joy. I slipped on my shoes again and made my made my way to the exit.

Cynthia POV
I made my way into the auditorium where the fundraiser was being held. I played the perfect politician wife in this moment. I had the thought to show up because what better way to get back at a neglectful man than to spend his money. I  Made my way over to the first lady

" Mrs Hampton you are looking has fabulous has ever" I gasp

" And you Cynthia look quiet beautiful yourself" she hugged me.

" saw that today is your Anniversary on Facebook didn't think that husband of yours would let you out seeing that he just came home yesterday" she smiled warmly

" well you know how he is when it comes to work, he never stops." I said with a strained smile

" he will make it up to you, Dale is a good man" she added with a squeeze of my hand. For the next few hours we mingled with the rest of our peers and made a lot of money for the charity.
It was now time for the commencing of the auction and the final task of the event where the highest of bidding takes place. I had my eye on the Bali vacation my body was tingling with excitement I paid little to no attention to the other items being sold.

The auction was going on but they still didn't present the vacation package and it's all a few of the married ladies could go on about, I have been out bid a few times buy the health minister's wife Debian but no matter the cost this time she will not win. I see this has my Anniversary gift. I felt a tap on my shoulder and the room went silent turning around I am greeted by a young man holding a bouquet of roses my eyes deemed with tears has 12 other teens pass by handing me a bouquet of roses the last person was my husband, I cried looking from my crowded lap and back to him has the auditorium was filled  with awwwwws.

The ladies around a my table remove the flowers for my lap. Has he made his way to me the announcer spoke

" Today we celebrate the young minister Gale and his stunning wife's 9th wedding anniversary and the happy couple chose to spend their day gracing us with their presence and so we are clearing the way so they can share a dance with us."

By the look on his face dancing was not what he planed on but it is masked quickly by a smile and a crude not. He holds my hand and lead me to the open area. We both had our best smiles on he held me tightly and from the outside looking in this might look natural it might even pass has love. I lived in the moment happy for how close he is holding me and how his fingers leave small tingling over each spot that it comes in contact with or how close his face is I can feel his breath tingling my flesh the perfect moment.

The music stops and I can't stop staring at his lips while his eyes are closed and his face looks at peace.

The applaud from onlookers brought me from my bubble.

"The meaning of happy marriages is love and respect ladies and gentlemen" the announcer chimed in " and the happiness of your wife " he joked
"Speaking of happiness Mrs Gale a little birdie told us that Bali is a dream vacation of yours" the crowd started to applaud again " so your husband must have to down a hefty donation because you will be going home to plan your Bali vacation!!!!!"

I had to scream!!!!!! This was great new I jumped into his arm and pulled his head down and gave him a kiss this was exciting . Eat your heart out Debbie !!!

" Thank you baby!!!!Thank you my darling husband!!!" I said breaking the kiss. He smirked at me " your welcome" he said while planting a kiss on my forehead. I felt at peace.

After the ending of the event my husband informed me that we were going home to change and head out for dinner. While leaving we got a few happy anniversary and well wished from other guest. We met with the prime minister's wife to say our good byes

" Cynthia I told you your husband would come through didn't I." She smile
I returned her smile " yes you did Cheryl " looking up at him to see he was also smiling
" Mrs Hampton" he said while shaking her hand

" it's a pleasure seeing you Dale" she smiled . We said our pleasantries and head out to our cars

" drive with me jimmy will drive your car" he held on to my hand while texting on his phone. Jimmy was his driver a middle age man of little word. I oddly gave him my keys and was acknowledged by him nodding his head. He opened his door for me made sure I was safley inside he joined me in the car and we head home.

The Minister's side chickWhere stories live. Discover now