Chapter 1

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~Jinn's point of view~

"Hey calm down jiwoo  its no rush were going to feed them" I chuckled at my brothers happiness. Pulling out my wallet I grab two bags of cat food while Jiwoo grab a bunch of cat snacks walking to the counter.

Jiwoo: I'm sorry its just so many I could've chosen from so I picked them all.

I pay for the snacks so we can leave. Once outside we wait by the light. We see a little boy playing with his ball until it goes into the street with the little boy following it. Before I could react Jiwoo had already saved the kid but right after we took off and I had scolded him for doing this in public.

Jiwoo: OK OK i wont do it again god you sound like a mother

We make it home while I'm sitting on the couch in my room reading. A hour later Jiwoo walked in putting down a fat cat that's patched up i watch for a bit as he checked all over the cats body until we heard someone talk.

???:  You idiot. check what on me? Put me down.

i see Jiwoo look around confused and so do i. "what the hell? Who said that?" i say looking out of the window.

Jiwoo: wh... what did i just hear? it sounded like a deep male voice.

???: Put me down Can't you hear?

Me and Jiwoo turned our heads to the cat who had one claw out looking at us.

???: Want me to punch another hole in your head? huh?

I look at jiwoo and we both yelled but he sounded like he shrieked. "AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!"

Jiwoo: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK THE CAT JUST TALKED!!" he squirmed backwards against the door.

???: Alright calm down jesus your loud.

Jinwoo: Why is the cat talking why is it talking!"

???: What part of "calm down" don't you understand? You want me to open up your skull with these claws? hmmm?



???: now what are your name's.

i sigh speaking up because jiwoo looks like he's frozen with fear. "i'm Jinn, Jinn seo, that's my little brother his name is jiwoo seo." i see the cat look towards the chair i kick it in front of him as it jumps onto it with a struggle. The cat looks into the mirror as i see it checks its own body then it looked up in shock.


I watched the cat flop out of the chair in disappointment. I let out a small chuckle "cute..." i mumble. I listened to jiwoo calling the cat when he didn't get a response he started shaking the SHIT out of the cat and honestly o_o I'm glad it wasn't me again after last time.

Jiwoo: Don't Dieeeeeee!!


Jiwoo: you're alive!

???: I was never dead so put me down

Jiwoo: yes sir

I watched as he put down the cat as they started talking I got a bit annoyed because one I'm hungry and two I don't know the cats name. "Hey um cat what's your name?"

Jiwoo: yeah Mr. Cat what's your name.

???: kayden call me kayden

    ~Time skip brought to you by Jiwoo shaking the shit out of Kayden~

I'm watching as this old do is stepping on this cat and it's pissing me off. Jiwoo quickly grabs the cat and we take off running. "your getting better at controlling your powers". i say walking off to my room to get ready for school, but i can hear Kayden yelling at jiwoo for being reckless it's kind of funny seeing how he's a cat.

After school we got home and spoke to Kayden i sat down while jiwoo laid down and spoke to Kayden about staying.

Jiwoo: Mr. Kayden im so happy to have you here. You should stay until you get better.

Kayden: stop yapping and start napping.

Jiwoo: Yeah.... I'm so tired. Talk to you later night Jinn.

When he goes to sleep i let out a chuckle to myself while Kayden looks at me. "He's growing on you isn't he."

Kayden: I don't know what your talking about.

I smile at his acting on being tuff "I wanted to let you know i work for the union. But i wont say anything about you."

Kayden: Wait your awakened too!

I smile "how do you think i pay for this house?" Kayden looks at me dumbfounded. "Thank you this is the most I've ever seen him use his abilities. When I'm not around can you look after my brother for me." I stand up and look at Kayden.

He smiles and looks over to me with that mean cat grin.

Kayden: sure why not kid.

I lay on the couch and start dozing off "thank you.....Zzzzz"

Kayden: hm maybe it wont be so bad.

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