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ANOTHER CHANCEーhow little our brains knowof the gloriosa daisies that grow from our throats androt between our lips

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how little our brains know
of the gloriosa daisies that
grow from our throats and
rot between our lips.

i blink. twice. thrice. until i feel
neon lights piercing through my
eyes, the smell of rotten bones and
carcasses of what seemed like birds
and broken ribs lay beside my arm, and
then the sudden slither down my spine and
there, i feel the crawl in my skin I've been
feeling since i felt cold ice cubes pressed
against my eyes, to shut me from
the noises of dogs and lying

that was mother's way of
showing tiny paths to "light" sometimes
under the closet or near the sink. and
when i finally register where i am. i smile.
maybe this is heaven. or hell. or a realm
my sister tried to warn about. where you
could hear the cries of children i crushed a
bullet against. they are loud.  they are melodic.
i embrace each one of them. i can't see
them yet my Bosom is filled with tears
and blood and mindless rhythms of old
songs and nursery rhymes i once heard
my father sing like a silent prayer.

now, here i am waiting for
gods to decide what the wounds
in my life meant. the neon lights
begin to glimmer. and then the
sounds subside. looking down at
my hands, i see the self-injured wounds
shaped in the form of smiles, continents,
the arch of a shore, the arch of a moon.
i see the broken bathroom tiles. the neon
lights have gone and i realize it's the
glimmer of the moon against the white
sink. and this is what the angel that sang
orphic hymns wanted me to see. but i don't
want this. this scentless alitame of one
more chance in living my wounds once

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