Chapter Eighteen

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It had been less than three hours since I last seen Marley but I found myself breaking the speed limit to get back to the Ryan's house. West car wasn't parked outside anymore but the van Alex and Max shared was parked on the curb, I park my truck behind it before climbing out. Glancing at my dads house I make a mental note to check in on him before the week is out, and mow his lawn.

Approaching the front door, it opens before I can even knock. A obviously pissed off Marley standing before me, her beautiful hair is standing at attention and her golden eyes are bright like she just woke up, but still hooded with her usual smokey daze.

"What's Wrong?" I place a hand on her hip and smirk as she subtly leans into my hold. She obviously was very against physical contact so it felt amazing to be one of the only people whose touch she welcomed.

"Have fun you two and bring my sister back in one piece Caesar!" I look behind her to see Alex and Ellis snickering to themselves like mad woman, amusement immediately burst through me. Marley hated to be teased and it seems as though that's all they had been doing to her.

"Lets go." Her small hand braids her fingers with my own before tugging me in the direction of my truck. I cant help the silly grin that adorns my face at her touch. "I'm hungry." She whines as soon as we pull away from the curb and I chuckle, stealing a glance.

Her short but smooth legs are hidden underneath light wash jeans, accompanied with one of my hoodies she must've snagged when she left my place this morning. I definitely do not mind, seeing her in my clothes was another breath taking sight I could look at everyday.

Seeing her naked, may as well give me a heart attack.

"What do you want to eat?" She scrunches her nose as she thinks, its a moment silence before she says anything and I slow down to let her look at the many restaurants. "Something home made." There's mischief twinkling in her eyes and I chuckle.

"If you wanted to go to my house, you could have just asked." I joke.

"Well I want to go to your house, take a nap in your bed." I take a moment to look at her before back to the road.

"Didn't you just wake up?" She shrugs casually, "I'm having an affair with your bed." She smirks and I laugh loudly but she only raises an eyebrow, trying to seem serious about her statement but the corner of her mouth twitches before she is laughing too, and that sound alone makes me forget anything wrong in the world.


Caesar can cook, and I mean really cook. I guess I couldn't really be shocked, he did live alone. I hum to a tune in my head as I walk around his living room, a steaming bowl of chicken and rice in my hands. The food was delicious, this was my second bowl. My eyes scan over the many trophies and awards for basketball and it runs a feeling of nostalgia through my veins.

Dad and I used to keep Miles awards where we could, there was so many, even some in my room but i was so proud of him. I used to stay at the courts will Miles for hours just watching him play with a ball all day long, a part of me wanted to ask Caesar if I could tag along next time he goes but the other part of me didn't know if he'd want me lingering around while he hung out with his friends.

"You're thinking so loud." He jokes, his voice coming from behind me. Rolling my eyes I turn with my now empty bowl in hand. "Maybe you shouldn't listen." He smiles softly before his expression turns serious.

"Everything okay?" He runs a hand down my arm, it supposed to be comforting but it warms me up from the inside. "Alex and Ellis have come to the conclusion that we are together." I don't see the benefit of hiding my concerns from him. There were parts of me that he knew that my own mother didn't, and truthfully, I wanted to see how he would feel about us being together.

"What's so wrong with that?" He gently pulls the empty bowl from my hands and sets it on his coffee table before pulling me in by the hips. I immediately feel flustered and for once I'm not sure what to say. Fortunate for me, Caesar always knows the right thing to say.

"I Like you, Marley. I'm not sure about you but I wouldn't mind if everyone in this whole damn town knew it." He smiles brightly looking me right in the eye like he is trying to make his words root and stick. and they do. Butterflies flutter in my veins, he likes me.

"I mean, you're not so bad." That goofy grin is back as I hesitantly wrap my arms around his neck. He chuckles loudly, the sound vibrating through my body.

"You owe me something, Mason. I haven't forgotten." Mischief starts dancing in his eyes, heat creeps into my cheeks as he leans closer.

I hold my breath, nervous. I've kissed people before but not like this, I actually had feelings for Caesar. I can only imagine how the two people I've kissed ratio to the amount of people Caesar has. I didn't want to seem inexperienced to him, but I don't have long to fret on the thought.

His lips are so unbelievable soft, plump and sweet like candy. Caesar leads the kiss, large hands are exploring any where they can touch. They slide down the sides of my hips until they cup just under my ass, Caesar urges me to jump without breaking our heated kiss. His tongue swiped my bottom lip, asking for entrance and I grant it. Wanting to taste and feel every part of me that he would allow.

My hands are in his hair now, tangling his soft curly locks and tugging slightly. When my lungs start to burn I pull away, much to Caesars dismay. I am still flushed against his body, in his arms in the air.

"You are wild woman." His voice is rasp and his eyes not really focusing on anything. I laugh softly at his proclamation, rubbing a hand on his stubbly cheek wondering how I got this far with this boy.

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