Sunflower Feild

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Delilah LeBlanc;

There I stood in the middle of a sunflower field.

Picking the most heavenly flowers.

And there he stood watching me.

He's always here sitting on the tall hill, observing me and the sunset that follows.

I believe he's about my age around his 20's.

I've only spoken to him very little times.

He seems like a calm person, someone you would be able to talk to for hours.

Normally, I obviously wouldn't feel comfortable knowing a man was watching me.

But he was different, he brought me some sort of comfort, a sort of safe feeling.

I eventually finished picking my flowers and began to walk to my bicycle.

But today things were different, he called me to him and asked me to watch the sunset with him.

So I did.

And we stayed there for hours, making jokes and laughing.

We even layed down on the grass together and counted the stars.

He was so pretty.

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