Your Fault

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Daffy started to stir in his sleep. He kept feeling something soft and furry thing touch his beak. He opened his eyes and screamed. Bugs was in his bed. What happened last night!? Daffy looked at his phone and sighed. It was 2:00 pm, and 'last night' never happened. When Daffy turned back around, he saw Bugs wide awake, staring at him.

"What are you doing...?"

"I was looking at the back of your head."

Daffy sighed. "What do you want from me?"

"Nothing in particular."

"Then why are you torturing me?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You're messing with my feelings. You didn't kiss me back, but later on you force me to make out with you. You're probably in on the joke, and if you weren't, then you're a criminal mastermind."

"Thank you for the compliment. But there was no joke, no messing with your feelings, and no torturing. If anyone was doing those things, it was you."

"How? All I was doing was protecting myself."

"From what?"

Daffy turned his body away from Bugs, but still replied. "You didn't answer my question."

"You looked angry when I told you I like you, and you started lying about your feelings. You could have easily been the one playing a joke." Bugs out of bed and started to walk out of the room.

For some reason, Daffy felt heartbroken, just because Bugs was leaving the room. "Bugs?"

Bugs turned around. "Yeah?"

Daffy took a deep breath. "My dreams..." He sounded like he was going to cry.

Bugs walked back over and sat on the bed. "What about them?" Bugs wasn't really the sappy type. He also hated to see a grown man cry (especially if it's a girl.)

"They..." Daffy looked stumped. "I don't know how to put it."

"Are they even dreams?"


"Then they're nightmares."

"Some parts."

"Are they nightmares or not?"

"Hmm... nightmares."

"Are they scary enough to make you cry?"

Tears were streaming down Daffy's face from just the thought of them. He wiped them off and went under the blankets.

"I'm trying to help you, Daff."

"The dreams are all about you..." Daffy's voice was muffled, so it sounded more like, "The leaves are all pretty blue..."

"I didn't understand a word you just said."

Daffy got back out of the blankets. "I said, the dreams are all about you! And I hate it! They ARE scary enough to make me cry, because that's how scary they are!" Daffy was mad again. He didn't like repeating himself.

"You make it seem like it's my fault."

"It..." Daffy's brain stopped working. "It is!"


"You exist! That's why you're in my dreams!" Daffy was pulling at straws to put all of the blame on Bugs, for no reason.

"Daffy, it's not my fault. It's your brains fault."


Dreams (Baffy, BugsxDaffy)Where stories live. Discover now