His help

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Bad turned around and it was only dream George and skeppy, skeppy was turned around looking down while George's hand was on bads shoulder George was beside dream then bad said "what are u guys doing here?" Dream took his hand off bads shoulder and said with pride "were here to help u techno told us u needed help!" Bad looked at skeppy then back at dream worried dream and George noticed him worried but didn't say anything George said "why don't we look! Me and dream will go look near the plains" he pointed near the near the South dream said "yeah u and skeppy search the swamp" bad nodded and skeppy still looked down sad they walked for a while around the swamp  and found a lily of the valley they both reached for it and they looked at each other and laughed it off bad took it and put it in his shulker box ....meanwhile with dream and George.... "DREAM HAND OVER THE PLANT" said George dream ran around the map alot then the fell Infront of a lily of the valley George took it quickly and ran into a cave and fell in he fell in water And yelled "DREAM HELP" dream dropped a pickaxe but it landed in lava then a creeper exploded behind him and he fell in too

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