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Ye Qingshui didn't fall asleep quickly. She leaned her head on the pillow, and a few rays of moonlight leaked from the window. Listening to the faint sound of breathing in her ears, she had a trance illusion.

As if you can reach it with your hand. This quietness in the middle of the night gives people a sense of solidity and warmth.

At around four o'clock in the morning, when Ye Qingshui woke up, he found Xie Tingyu asleep with his arms around her feet.

Ye Qingshui stretched back his feet silently, tiptoedly put on his clothes, got up and went to the wood house.

Early in the morning, Xie Tingyu was awakened by the sound of banging and beating.

He saw Ye Qingshui burying his head and planing a wooden board, and a few strands of curly sawdust were stained on the hair that was tied at random. The movements in her hand were clumsy, but very organized.

The Ye family is building a new house, so it is very convenient to pick up a few unnecessary pieces of wood.

Xie Tingyu was stunned when he saw this scene in front of him. He asked: " Shui'er , what are you doing?"


Qingshui replied without raising his head : "Make a bed for you." Xie Tingyu was heartbroken for a moment.

He squatted down beside Ye Qingshui, approached her, and saw that she was not wearing a cotton-padded jacket, and the white jade-like neck exposed from the sweetheart neckline. As the wind blew, the thin sweat on her forehead slowly dripped.

Xie Tingyu said, "Shui'er, put the wood aside, and I will do it myself."

Ye Qingshui listened, and put down the half-sawn wood, and gave them all to Xie Tingyu.


early winter, after a snowfall, the Du family finally agreed to let Du Xiaohe marry the Ye family.

It turned out that the boss of the Du family was thinking about it, thinking that since people have decided to marry the Ye family, staying at home for one more day will waste one more day of food, so it is easy to marry someone earlier.

However, the Ye family's new house has not yet been completed, so it is not very decent to pick this kind of not embarrassing or embarrassment to marry her daughter to the Ye family eagerly.

So Ye Qingshui gave up his house.

One of the two largest rooms in the family is for Ye Qingshui's parents, and the other is for Uncle Ye, but Uncle Ye changed rooms with his niece when he enlisted in the army.

Ye Ma really wanted to let her room out. However, her husband died young and gave up this house as a new house, which is not very nice on the name.

Ye Ma was also worried that her son-in-law had some opinions in her heart, and was about to persuade her daughter, so let this matter go. Where can a city man who is so particular about his son-in-law live in such a shabby house?

Unexpectedly, after hearing about Shuiya's decision, Xie Tingyu not only had no opinion, but was very positive when he should get along.

When he heard the news, his heart jumped for joy, a small room, doesn't this mean that he doesn't need to sleep on a wooden bed?

He said earnestly to Young Uncle Ye: "Originally, this house was given to Shui'er by my uncle. It is enough for us to live for a long time. Now it is important for my uncle to marry a daughter-in-law."

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