Chapter Four

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Nuclear Family

Sorry for any spelling/grammar issues!


  Mary came into my room again after I'd eaten dinner. She smiled at me and sat at the edge of my bed. 

"I know you have really bad anxiety, especially at night. The other night you had an anxiety attack in your sleep, but it was bad enough that they had to inject you. So I thought we could work on some breathing exercises and meditation before you go to sleep to try to stop that."

I couldn't believe Mary. In the short amount of time I've known her, she's done more for me than anyone has in my whole life. 

"Okay!" I said eagerly. It appeared that my enthusiasm made her happy.

We practiced together for about 45 minutes before she pulled something out of her pocket and handed it to me. My ipod!

"Thank you thank you thank you!!!" I squealed, jumping up and hugging her.

"I managed to get your computer cleared too. You can have that and some stuff from your room that I thought you would want as well."

I was at a loss for words, hugging her again.

We said our goodmights and she left my room, leaving me to fall asleep to the sweet sounds of Green Day filtering through my ears.


  The next day Mary came into my room right after breakfast, clearly as excited as I was. She had a cardboard box balanced on one arm and a giant stuffed tiger that I used as a pillow under her other arm. She handed me the tiger, and I quickly hugged it to my chest, inhaling the bitter sweet scent of my old home. From the top of the box she pulled out 5 stuffed animals that I'd had as long as I could remember, setting them beside me. Then she pulled out some clothes, unfolding them one by one to display to me. The pajamas were first. Leopard print onesies and some plaid pants, with some oversized baseball t shirts to match. She showed me a ripped black pair of jeans, a regular pair of black jeans, and red jeans. A couple hoodies came next. But then the clothing I cared most about- band shiirts. And she brought all of them. Every single one.

"I could tell from your room how important music and horses are to you. And since I couldn't bring your horse or your instruments here, the least I could do was bring your clothes and after this I can explain what's supposed to be happening with foster care, and house, parents, and such."

Before she explained anything though, she showed me my shirts. All my Green Day shirts, my Green Day bag, scarf, and shoes. Did I mention the shoes?! She brought all of converse too! She brought my Avenged Sevenfold shirt, Hedley shirt, Simple Plan shirt, and all my My Chemical Romance shirts- plus the other shirts that I don't want to bore you with.

  Now it was time for Mary to explain what was happening to me- ad to my parents. To say that I am nervous is an understatement. 

"So.. I know you've heard that you're going to a foster home. I've looked very hard for a place that I think suits you best. I know you're concerned about all your animals that you've protected from your parents for so long, so don't worry. You're going to be able to keep your horse- the money for his board will come from you parents accounts every month, who are in custody and awaiting trial. They can't touch you now. Your two dogs and two birds are allowed to go with you to your foster home. So is your lizard. In regards to them being taken care of while you have been here, your mom's sister has for now, temporarily, moved into your house to make sure everything is okay. The house will continue to be paid for through your parents accounts and will one day become yours. You'll be here for another day, then- if you're okay with it- I want to take you to your house to get your animals and anything you want to take with you  the day after that. Oh yeah, and I have this for you" she handed me my phone.

I paused for a minute to take everything in. 

"Mary, you're the greatest person ever!"

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