Chapter 11

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"I think it's best we head home now" Nolan says softly.
I wipe my cheeks and eyes and kiss my hand and place it on his gravestone. Jack and Nolan grab each of my arms and help me up. They wrap their Ames spring me as we slowly walk away from the cemetery and back to my house. Jack and Nolan are both staying the night to comfort me and make sure I'm okay. Nolan has been staying over ever since he died.
"How are you coping?" Jack asked.
It's one of the first times he has spoken to me since he passed. Jack has his own unique way of coping, the same way he did when his wife died.
"I guess I could be better" I say looking up at him with my glazed, bloodshot eyes.
"But I'm coping"
He smiles.
"I know how you feel, but it does get better I promise" he hugs me.
Nolan comes over and joins in.
"We promise you we will help you get though this every step of the way" Nolan says.
I smile.
"Aiden has left me in good hands" I say.
They both smile and hug me again. The warmth comforts me and I know Aiden is here too.
Knowing that he's at peace and he's calm, relaxes my feelings too.
"He's ok and I'm ok"

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