Chapter 1

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Elijah's POV

it's the middle of the night Joaquin and I got into an argument, and we had a disagreement.
Because I wanted to sell my car that dad gave me and he was against it so he stopped me because he wanted to have it.

Joaquin: Didn't you realize that was your first car and that was a gift from dad when you graduated from highschool.

I said that I didn't care. I don't have any money anymore. Dad doesn't give enough money, and I said that you just wanted to get the car because this is what you want but it was given to me.
(And suddenly he pushed me and scratched my car)

I retaliated and punched him.

and suddenly I thought of racing a car with him
I just said that you knew we always ended up hurting each other if you want let's just bet and have a race, the one that can go first to that pole at the end of the road is the winner so if you win my car is all yours when you lose I will decide what I want to do with my car so what? will you accept the deal.

Joaquin: What? Are you out of your mind we will race just for that car what if someone get hurt?
if you really want to get this car you will race with me and besides we haven't raced yet and I've tried it already, but you this is your chance to experience it and also no one was passing by and no one is guarding the road.

Joaquin: fine I'm willing to race with you, you think I'm going to lose.

I said alright lets go

and we both operated our car and I lower my car window and signaled three, two, one and shouted go!

We both started to figure out who would be the first to get to the pole at the end.

My car was ahead of him, I was immediately in the lead of the race and I was laughing out loud while driving then I took my phone and tried to call him while I was calling him I was still laughing because I was still in the lead.
I looked to the side mirror of my car and see his car deviate from the direction of the road and seemed to collide with the corner of a wall on the road, so I immediately backed away and blocked his collision so that his car would hit me instead of him colliding to the wall.

And his car crashed into my car and suddenly I lost my consciousness and I fainted.

When I woke up, I was in the hospital and I can hear the conversation of my father and Joaquin.

Joaquin: He called me and I tried to grab my phone and I forgot to touch the steering wheel and my car suddenly turned in the wrong direction. My car should be the one to crash.

Dad: who would have thought that you need to race together.

Joaquin: his the one who thought of having a race and it's a bet because he would sell the car you gave him but, I've wanted that car for a long time and I want it to be mine he supposed to give that to me instead of selling it.

Dad: you should just let him. You shouldn't interfere with what your brother wants to do with his life.

I still closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep, so I could hear what they were saying and I said to myself yes dad you are right and I thought to myself that my father still cares about me.

And when Joaquin approached me, he immediately told me please wake up bro Im begging you while he was crying I was laughing but I resist laugh so I could hear what he had to say.
He said that I would introduce you to the woman I liked, and I courted her and now she is my girlfriend her name is Sarah I want to introduce her to you and show how beautiful she is.
And I spoke so when you would introduce her and I laughed so loud and say you thought I was still asleep.
And he was surprised and said fuck you, you're already awake, you fool me.
(we both laugh out loud)

And I immediately asked for his cellphone to call mom and say that I'm in good condition I asked him if he wanted to talk to mom.
Joaquin: I want to ask him how he is. We haven't seen each other for a long time, and I miss her.
I said if it's ok with dad for us to get together just like before.

And dad came in and told me that for now you have to live in the house again.

And when I got out of the hospital my father took me to my mother's house where I also live because I really want to see them meet again because it's been a long time since mom, dad and Joaquin haven't seen each other for a long time.
And when we got home, I knocked and mom opened the door and she was shocked to see that Dad and Joaquin were with me and at that time my step dad was not there so they have a lot of time to talk.

Mom immediately hugged Joaquin because she really missed him.
It seems that they talked a lot and their conversation went well. My father immediately told my mother that if I could live in his house again for about a month but my mother seemed to be against it but Joaquin pleases mom because he wanted me to bond with him again and mom suddenly agreed.

Two days have passed since I moved into our house again I feel like I didn't leave this house nothing has changed it's still nice and well and Joaquin and I done a lot of fun things we always drink alcohol every night and we're shouting and laughing before going to sleep like we used to do I am glad to be able to bond with my brother again.

Joaquin said that tomorrow he will take his girlfriend Sarah here at home and he will introduce her to me and to dad.

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