Chapter 16 ~ Rhett

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       Rhett sang along to the radio as he drove along the winding road that headed toward the lake. Taylor sat in the passenger seat, attempting to hid her amusement with his singing by looking out the window. He smiled at the ease that was about her. She'd relaxed so much since she had started staying with him.

His thoughts changed to Levi, and he looked into the rearview mirror to check on him. Thanks to the mirror that Tae had found on the internet, he could see into Levi's rear-facing car seat without having to turn around. It was a lifesaver. Levi was blowing raspberries, content as ever, and Rhett's eyes went back to the road.

Three months had passed since they'd first taken the little guy home, and they'd finally officially adopted him yesterday. Thanks to the judge being a family friend of Mama's, it went smoothly. Now, they were headed to the lake to meet with the rest of his family.

Mama was the only one who knew the big news, but they would tell the rest of the family today. Picnics were big with his family, but it would be a first for Tae. She looked over at him then, and his heart fluttered. The thought almost made him chuckle.

Flutter, yeah that's very manly.

He didn't think he'd be telling anyone that.

He turned onto Lake Drive which would take them into the park and down to the pavilions, and Taylor sat up in her seat.

"Oh, it's so pretty," she said, pointing at the meadow full of flowers.

He nodded his agreement and pointed to the little spot on the outside of the meadow. A massive oak tree sprawled out creating a large shadow.

"Want to hear a funny story?" he asked.

He thought back to the time he had to pick up Axel in this same spot.

She looked over at him and nodded.

"Sure. Oh, please don't tell me you had a date there," she said looking nervous.

He laughed at the thought. He'd only ever taken three girls out for dates, and all three of them had been in high school. He'd been too busy since then to make that big of an effort on a woman.

"No," he assured her and she sighed in relief.

"I never took a girl there, but Axel did once," he laughed thinking back. "Well, it hadn't exactly been a date. He'd brought his best friend out here, and she didn't take to it very much. In fact, if I recall, her exact words had been, Axel you really think you can bring me out here like one of your girls to roll around on a blanket? Yeah, I don't think so," Rhett said mimicking Layla's voice.

Taylor's eyes were wide when he looked over at her.

"Wait, why did you have to pick him up? Did they walk out here?" she asked.

Rhett chuckled and shook his head. This was his favorite part of the story.

"No, in Layla's rage, she clocked Axel and while he stood there shocked, she slipped his keys out of his pocket and drove herself home," he said laughing.

"Oh, so she just drove back to the ranch by herself then?" she asked, laughing.

Rhett shook his head.

"No, she drove herself home, home. Axel never got his truck back. He never tried real hard though," he said shaking his head.

Taylor sighed in understanding.

"He had a soft spot for her," she guessed.

He nodded but said nothing more. Their relationship was one of question. He'd never really understood what had happened, and he didn't try with the way Axel bowed up if you brought it up.

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