Chap. 1 🦋White lie🦋

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A sunny day, and the only place I would find myself in, was the music store, "Musica-Magica" near my house. Here you could buy anything related to music: CD's, instruments, poster's of artist from all over the world, and a lot more. Even the people who worked there, all looked like they would be a part of the music industry. You could literally walk in and already feel the vibe, all that mixed up music merchandise would give you off. And in between me.
"Excuse me, sir?"
"Oh, hello. How can I help you miss?", the younger male's voice asked me.
"I'm searching for the classical music section."
"Good taste. You find the classical music section around the corner, behind the shelf with the posters. If you got any more questions, feel free to come at me again.", the guy behind the counter said with a friendly, yet professional tone in his voice, as he pointed right behind me.
"Thank you, sir!", he nod. I gave him a small smile and walked pass the shelf with the posters, finding myself in front of the classical music section. I felt great looking at all these stuff I could dream of. You could find anythingh- starting from W.A. Mozart and ending with a piano from the 19th century. I liked the feeling I had when I walked around the whole section, that I forgot everything around me. I picked up a CD with a mix out of some classical artist. Not long and I could feel somebody bumping into me.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't watching out.", a ruspy, yet calm sounding voice apologized. I looked at the side and only saw hands, holding a Ludwig Van Bethoveen CD. Then I looked up at that somebody who just had bumped into me. "Oh, it's fine. I didn't watch out either.", my voice sounded much calmer than I thought it would, as I was slightly overwhelmed with the situation. Usually, I was acting socially awkward all the time. This was somehow becoming a habit of mine, even tho I wasn't all shy. It just wasn't my thing- talking to strangers on the street.
The taller male glanced down on me, both of us standing in front of the Ludwig Van Bethoveen shelf. Wow, the only person with me in this section. I admired that a lot. "I see you like Bethoveen?"
He really spoke to me. I couldn't believe a grown up person would start talking to me, which made it even better.
I nod as I answered, "I do like him, his music pieces are true art."
"I know right. My favorite composition of his might be 'Symphony 5'.", A breath in between before he added to his sentence, "Music in general is a huge part of my life, I'm on my way to become a teacher for it."
"Really, are you? Me too actually.", I lied. I mean, what was a white lie if I could for once, seem grown enough to hold a worthy conversation with a man who spoke about music the way I felt about it.
"So, what's your major?" he asked, a now softer expression written all over his face.
"I'm leaning towards English actually." I was so thankful my voice didn't tremble for once.
"Sounds amazing. May I ask for your name?", the male added.
"I'm Ann O'Brian."
"Elias Hollin.", followed by a hand shake.
We looked each other in the eyes the whole time, like we were used to each other already. He smelled like the forest after it rained, with a bit of a floral scent in it. A well put-together scent.
It felt like an eternity, then he slowly pulled his hand away. "Ann, it was nice talking to you. Sadly I must go now, I have to be in a meeting at 4 o'clock.", the male clearly was in a rush. Then our path splitted up. In my hand only a small paper with a phone number written on it. Would I call him back once I'd find the time? I wasn't sure about it.
The moment I left the store, I sighed out of relaxation. I made it. I was recognized as a woman, not that 16 years old student. I knew once his- Elias' and my path would cross- whenever or wherever again, I'd get in trouble for telling lies. but in a few days summer break would be over and then all these things would be forgotten. I wouldn't ever see him again. This thought left me slightly sad, only a few seconds before I moved on with my day...

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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