Ch3 mate

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Justin's P.O.V
I was running to the beach my wolf Kaden was howling and begging to break free and shift to my black wolf and I didn't know why. 'Go faster' he urged 'Go faster... shift...faster' I was about the step on the dock when a wonderful aroma filled my nose it smelled of strawberry and the fresh ocean air. 'Mate' Kaden howled 'mate!' I was running again this time faster than the normal human body would allow. I followed the scent and stopped when I heard a scream 'mate....go to mate...... Help mate' Kaden yelled in my head. Not even a second after the scream I felt the worst pain in my life on my lower half. And that's saying something considering I have been bitten on my stomach by a rouge wolf and almost getting my stomach torn off. It took me a second to realize that this pain couldn't be mine it must be my mates. 'No....mate..hurt' Kaden whined. I remembered something my mother had taught me when I was young. "When you feel your mates pain you're only feeling half of what they feel" she would coo while teaching me about wolves. This thought however banished the pain from my mind as I ran faster desperate to help my mate. As I ran I could feel my canines lengthening as Kaden fought for control.
When I turned the corner I saw one boat in the dock and that was where the smell came from and much to my dislike I couldn't see my mate on it. My ears perked as my heightened wolf senses caught Ron's voice. "What's happening to her?!" Panic was evident in his voice.
"Justin! We caught something and it looks like it's dying" Troy yelled once he saw me but I paid no attention to him as I hurdled over a badly placed box full of who knows what I was concentrated on getting to my mate.
"Move!" I yelled as I ran onto the boat jumping past Troy and trying to find Ron.
He was hidden by a couple of boxes over by the net puller thingy (I don't know what they're called) and looking over at a net that has been pulled up. But it wasn't the het that caught my attention I stopped in my tracks as I saw the most beautiful creature I had ever laid eyes on. "Mine" I growled as I swiftly jumped past Ron and cradled the creature in my arms. As soon as my skin made contact with hers sparks emanated causing Kaden to calm down as my canines retracted. Ron, Vanessa, Troy, and Casey, were all staring awestruck at my mates legs or what where slowly becoming legs there's was vanishing purple scales up her legs. And I quickly took of my shirt and attempted to dress her in it so the fabric would cover her. Eventually Vanessa and Casey had to come help me much to the protest of their mates who where convinced my mate could be dangerous. "What happened to her" I asked
"We caught her in a fishing net after we got attacked by something that looks like her but it's not and she had a great big purple tail that went away when she dried off and-" I cut off Casey's ranting with a simple "call the pack doctor and get the captan's quarters ready for her" this was followed by a series of 'okays' and 'sure' as the girls hurried to the captan's quarters and the boys started contacting the pack doctor.
As the others did that I took the time to examine my mate for any cuts or bruises on the places I could see without violating her. "Ok the captan's quarters is ready" said Casey as she jogged back to the place where I sat cross legged with my wonderful mate. By now all the scales where gone and she had stopped writhing in pain so she was sleeping peacefully in my arms. As I stood up and carefully adjusted her so that she would be comfortable she curled closer to my chest which was possibly the most adorable thing I had ever seen no scratch that definitely the most adorable thing I had ever seen. I let out a light chuckle as I walked alongside Casey who was staring curiously at my mate. "What do you think she is?" Casey asked
"Honestly I'm not sure but I do know I love her already" I said I stared down lovingly at my mate.
"That is quite possibly the cheesiest thing I've ever heard you say." She said turning to open the door to the captan's quarters. Inside was a Nervous Vanessa fluffing a pillow and trying to make the bed as comfortable as possible for her Luna. Even though they don't even know her name I can already tell they love her to no extent.
"Vanessa" I said softly "the pillows are fine how about lifting the blankets"
"Oh yeah right-here" she said as she lifted the covers off the bed and motioned for me to lay my mate down.
Kaden howled in protest as her warmth left my body. It seemed as though she favored warmth in this situation as she tried to curl back up into my supernatural heat only to be met with a blanket once a laid her down. Even though the blankets where definitely warm she still seemed to shiver as she laid down in the bed. After a couple seconds Casey seemed to snap out of her trance and rush to get more blankets but by the time she got back my little mate had already managed to crawl to the middle of the bed and wrap herself up in a cocoon of blanket. But the best part she stopped shivering and now looked like a jumbo mint on a bed that was only one color, it was adorable. I sat back in a chair as I watched the jumbo Mint looking ball on the bed rise and fall as the life inside of it breathed. But suddenly the door burst open and in came a worried looking pack doctor. "What's the emergency!?" He shouted. "Be quiet or you'll wake her up!" Hissed an angry Vanessa. My head automatically snapped to the mint shape that had shuffled around a bit when Dr. Martin came in.
"who" he whispered back.
"The new Luna" said Troy as he waltzed and put his arm around Vanessa's shoulders.
"Luna?" Said Dr. Martin as he eyed looking for a sign that Troy was lying.
"Luna" I said no trace of anything but happiness in my voice.

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