Waking up

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Ok so I know this is only like the fourth chapter but how do you like it so far <3

River's P.O.V
The first thing I noticed, the pain.

It coursed all throughout my body, from the tip of my tail to the top of my head. While laying in this wonderful unknown shell, I try to recall what happened. All I remember is warning a boat that the sirens where coming, and then getting captured.... and a boy, named Ron, and two girls, named Casey, and Victoria. Then I realize that I must be on their ship, not dead. Which means the king and queen lied to us, or I am not a normal mermaid. That is a possibility considering my dad left us when I was born, maybe that is why my mother hates me, she blames me for my fathers disappearance. I never met my dad. Sometimes I wonder what he was like, if I would've been better off with him.

From what I can tell Liam and I (once again) are the only kids who got my dads looks instead of my moms. I have light brown hair that falls gracefully down my back when my mother has blonde hair that stops at her shoulders. I have deep green eyes and my mom has brown. We're all pretty tall so I'm not sure who that's from but basically I look nothing like my mom. My brothers, other than Liam, all have brown eyes and and short blonde hair.

Sometimes I wonder what my dad was like, if he left because of me. Liam always said he didn't leave because of me, but I'm beginning to doubt it. Liam said he wasn't full merman and he had to return to the land but a hybrid between to creatures is unheard of. But anyway back to the story.

I tried to open my eyes only to find them closed tight. If I did not die then what happened. I tried to open my eyes again and this time I was able to pry them open. I saw a cream colored thing wrapped around my head. I shifted my gaze down, down, and down until I stared at what was supposed to be my tail, but what I saw was definitely not a tail. My tail had been split in two and instead of a vibrant color they where a nice tan skin color, the same color as my upper half. I should have been scared, worried, or confused at least, but I wasn't it all felt, natural.

I slowly lifted my head up, the tan colored sheet falling off of my head in the process. I looked around. The room was big, let me just say that. The scenery outside the window told me I was definitely not on the ship anymore. Looking around the room I noticed something whitish yellow (a/n blonde) hanging off the side of the shell. And after further inspection I found I was not on a shell. It was a big soft rectangle.

My gaze shifted to yellowish whitish ball. My gaze traveled slowly down off the bed and onto the thing connecting to the ball. It was slowly moving up and down.... as if.... It was breathing!! That 'yellowish whitish ball' was blonde head!

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed throwing my body to the other side of the rectangle. Sadly at that moment my misfortune seemed to strike and I fell with a loud 'thud'. Almost instantly there was someone at my side attempting to pick me up and check for injuries. Key word: attempting

Sparks flew wherever the strange mans skin touched mine, but I didn't care at least half of me didn't care. For some strange reason my body was fighting my mind and trying to snuggle closer to the unknown man. My mind however won in this situation and I consisted to wriggle, struggle, punch, and kick. (Don't ask me how I knew what I was doing with my tail cut in two) I eventually escaped the mans grasp and stood up, almost losing my balance. In that split second I realized I didn't know how to walk.

By now the man had stood up and was slowly coming towards me. "Shhhh... It's ok I'm not gonna hurt you.... Shhhhh calm down" he cooed inching closer. I was scared and didn't know how to move, so I did the only thing I could..... I screeched.

"Eeeeeeehhhhhhh" I could hear the shrill sound coming out of my powerful vocals as the man dropped to ground holding his ears. Strange I thought no one had ever done that before not even humans. Simultaneously I thought I heard several thuds throughout whatever building I was in. Like everyone else had dropped to the ground like the man was. By this point my vocal cords where tiring and I knew I would need to stop if I wanted enough energy to at least talk. My voice died down on command and I stood in fear as I watched the man struggle to stand. Colossi get on the first few times.

"Good Goddess woman you got a voice in ya'" said a beautiful masculine voice "hi I'm Justin what's your name"

Oh wow what an introduction I thought as I slowly began to open my mouth preparing to shriek. "Please don't do it again" he said quickly catching on to my antics. I could distinctly hear the floor creaking somewhere below me, telling me whoever was down there was getting up. I snapped my mouth shut and started the feel behind me until I found a small circular object, a door nob.

The man, Justin, slowly started inching closer. This time I watched how. He moved on his tail split in two, putting one in front of the other. I couldn't do this! But I had to try so I let go of the door nob, stumbling a bit, and gaining balance. Justin stopped and looked at me with curiosity. This was my chance, I just had to get him to look away and I could bolt and go to Liam.

I pretend to stare at something over Justin's shoulder, my mouth slightly agape for affect. He looks at me for a moment then slowly but surely turns his head. I didn't waste time I turned yanked the door open and took a step. At first I thought I was going to fall. But next thing I know I'm speeding throughout the house using my bizarrely amazing sense of smell to find my way out. I run around hearing shouts, some sound angry, some sad, even some hurt, but I don't stop to listen because just when the smell of the ocean air is the the strongest, I found stairs.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 25, 2015 ⏰

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