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after school, taehyun waved goodbye to the crushy beomgyu and headed towards the first aid room.

"hello? can someone tell me the situation for this student kai kamal huening?" taehyun showed a card of kai. "oh i think he's awake but still feeling unconscious. you can visit him in room 5." a nurse said pointing to a room on taehyun's top right corner.

"w-what are you doing here? go find your baby..." kai said the second taehyun opened the door. "what baby? what are you talking about babe? you're my boyfriend and my one and only.." taehyun didn't know if he should apologise or do something. "your baby beomgyu can sleep in your room and i can stay somewhere else tonight.." kai said laying on a pillow. "no! why would you do that!" taehyun went forward and tried hugging kai but kai pushed him on the floor making him bang his head on a shelf.

"careful kai!" taehyun got up in the speed of lightning and caressed kai's head. kai started tearing up and hugged taehyun almost choking him. "i- taehyun.." kai couldn't make a sentence from tears forming into a river.

"kai, i'm so sorry... i got way too mad and i needed you so much at that moment so.. i did something.." taehyun said after breaking the hug.

"did what?" kai said looking into taehyun's eyes as taehyun sat beside him. "i kissed him.." "kiss?" kai laid back in bed and covered himself. "kai i'm sorry and i would understand if you got mad at me and wouldn't want to see me again." kai looked on the ground feeling blank and scoffed, "i'm really easy to replace huh?". "no, kai no please don't say that. it's all my fault!" taehyun held kai (taehyun is taller than kai by 5cm) in his arms not letting him go. "i'll just stay some where else you know what." kai said packing his stuff and grabbed his backpack.
"where are you going to stay though?" taehyun felt a knife stabbing his heart knowing kai is leaving him. "don't leave! please!" taehyun blocked the door and begged. kai kept a poker face but felt like d*ing. "can you move a bit please." kai whispered not having any eye contact with the heart broken taehyun.

taehyun fell on the floor of the first aid room while kai walked to the nurse's and got out of school. taehyun regret everything he's done and kicked on the bed.

"minho.." kai dialled minho's phone number and called him. "yes kai." "i.." kai felt tears dripping down his cherry like cheeks. "what is it kai? where are you?" minho started panicking and didn't realise it's his first time caring about someone in that way. "i.. i'm walking towards the dorm and... can i stay in your dorm?" kai wiped his tears and said. "of course! i'm coming wait for me!" minho ended the call and sprinted to the dorm building's gate.

"kai!" minho saw kai head low. minho quickly hugged kai and kai cried his heart out. "tae.. taehyun... we.. broke up.." kai said while whimpering. minho patted kai's head, "don't worry. he doesn't deserve an angel like you, let's head to the dorm it's getting late." minho put his arm around kai's shoulder and headed to minho's dorm.

"hey!" hyunjin shouted seeing minho. "who's he?" "he's my friend kai and he wants to stay here tonight." minho said while kai buried his head in minho's chest. "he's really hurt.." minho said and hyunjin nodded with a sweet smile welcoming kai. "come sit kai." hyunjin grabbed a chair and kai sat down covering his face. "hi.. i'm hyunjin and i'm minho's roommate." hyunjin said kneeling down trying to take a look at kai.

hyunjin then walked away to minho seeing how broken kai felt. "what happened dude?" "he broke up with beomgyu's crush taehyun." minho said making boiling water. "that must hurt him a lot. is it related to beomgyu in any way?" "i'm not sure. i hope he'll feel better soon." minho pouted the warm water into a glass and walked to kai. "come kai. drink some water." kai drank the water slowly and hugged minho right after. "minho can you take me outside. i want to take a walk."

minho and kai left the room and walked around the beautiful backyard garden. "the flowers are really pretty kai. just like you ><" minho picked up a flower petal and put it in kai's warm hands. kai smiled and blew the petal away into a water fountain. minho gazed at kai who's looking at the petal and felt butterflies floating around his stomach, feeling the urge to touch kai.

"kai ah." minho said after checking if anyone's around. "i- i don't know if this is the right time to tell you but you're like really really cute.." minho said and blushed. "hehe you're cute too!" kai said pinching minho's cheeks.

taehyun just arrived to the dorm alone and opened up the curtains seeing kai and minho. taehyun flipped a coffee table over making papers and pens fall on the ground. *𝖻𝖾𝖾𝗉 𝖻𝖾𝖾𝗉 𝖻𝖾𝖾𝗉* minho feel his phone ring, *𝗄𝖺𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝖺𝖾𝗁𝗒𝗎𝗇* minho turned his phone off and continued strolling around the garden.

"actually kai.. you know.. um i think you're cute in a way that's kind of a little more than regular friends or besties... don't hate me!" after minho said he ran behind a tree and hid. "wait minho! i'm not sure if i developed feelings for you yet but-" just when kai was gonna finish sentence taehyun ran over to kai and gripped his wrist pulling him away.

"get off me!!! help!!! minho help me!!!!" kai cried as taehyun pulled kai upstairs to their dorm. "what are you doing!!!!!!! help!!!" kai screamed as taehyun banged the door shut. "kai. i know i was wrong but i swear i only love you! only you.." taehyun changed from anger to tears. "but beomgyu's with you now anyway. you just want to stop me from dating minho and you don't even love me truly!" kai kicked taehyun's leg making him fall and ran away. "WAIT LISTEN TO ME!" taehyun said in pain mentally and physically.

— end of part 5

a/n; oh lord what am i writing. this is so sad i- i swear it's gonna be a much better part in part 6! tysm for reading

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