• Chapter 3 •

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Ally stared at me with big eyes.

"W-what? Did I smear my makeup?"

"Who are you and what did you do with my best friend-?" She says jokingly.

"Hahaha, very funny. We are going to a concert, can't show up looking like a nerd." I roll my eyes at her, showing sarcasm.

Finally we take off and head towards the concert in the main park of Arcadia.


As we arrive at the concert, the parking lot is packet, full of people dressed in merches and fancy clothings. Suddenly feeling anxious, I pull my eyes to the ground and loop my arm through Ally's, for her to guide me through the crowd.

"River? If this is or gets too much, let we know and we will go home, ok? We can always just watch a movie." Ally says, reassuring me.

"No, it's ok ally. I'm the Leader of my gang, I have to tougthen up." I answered, making sure she knows that I want to stay.

Ally has known about my rank for 5 years now. She helped me get over the loss of my father when he passed. Not once has she broken my cover. She's helped me with my social anxiety too.

She nods towards me and continue to pull me through the crowd to the front row seats.

Once we are seated the show begins. Everyones goes quiet as it goes dark. Suddenly, flights start to flicker and you can hear a rising beat.
The crown screams and roars, almost giving me a heart attack. Finally the Band comes on stage dancing and posing for the cameras.

"How are we my precious Snakes?!"
The crowd once again roars, yelling out different answers. After they answered, Todd, the 2nd lead singer continues.
"Good good, glad ya'll doing great tonight!" He looks iver the crowd,  winking at a few girls.

"Now, how about we welcome my lil sis on stage? Give it up forr-  Van!"
Van stands for Vanessa,  but everyone calls her Van because of her being the lead singer.

A tall Blond haired woman enters the stage, waving at all her cheerful fans. Walking towards her Brother, she smokths down her black ripped jean pants and straightens out her plaid jacket that was draped over a short black craptop. 

"Helloo- my beutiful Snake's!" She yells out into the crowd.
I glare at her with aww, letting my eyes roam over her body and outfit. I could feel blush starting to form on my cheeks, and that only grew when our eyes locked.

Her beutiful minty green eyes glared into my ocean blue eyes. But then I noticed something. She looked familiar. A smile creeped up onto her face, showing that she knew exactly who I was.

She was the girl in the Alley way.. . The girl I Kissed.

That's it, I'm screwed... . I probably look like a tomato now.
Embarrassed I look down, trying to cool off my face.

She focuses back on the cowd.
"Sorry we keot you guys waiting for a few minutes! I had a run in with some bad guys on the way here. But my prince charming made an appearance and saved me."

I coukd feel her glaring at me even when I wasn't looking.

"Don't you all want a prince charming too? Or maybe- a princess?"

Ok, yep, I'm done. Right as Van beginns singing, I excuse myself from Ally and head towards the restroom. 

Finally in peace and quiet, I breath. I stand over the sink looking into my reflection. 
"Why do I have to look so pale? I look dead." I spoke to myself.

"Mm, dead quite suits you, don't you think?" A hand claps on my mouthz preventing me from screaming. I coukd feel a body pushing me against the sink counter, making it hard to move.

As I look into the mirror, I coukd make out who my attacker was. It was the boy from the gang I beat up earlier, he indeed didn't look much older then me. Which means he probably went to my school, or was home schooled.

"Now, we don't want to destroy everyone's fun time out there, now do we?" He leans over and wisoers into my ear.

"I know your little secret, and your weakness, so don't try me."

"I've been watching you for a ehike now, and I must say, I like your badass style more then the nerdy style."


"Now, why don't you be a good Solar bean and come with me?"

Ok that was enough,  I am no 'Bean'.

Quickly, I bite his hand, causing him to pull back.

"Listen here dipshit, go crawl back to your gang before I beat you're ass like I did earlier."

I get into fighting position and slowly make my way towards the door.

"Or you coukd just leave me be and be a nice little puppy."

Slowly he makes his way towards the door past me, but stops before opening it.

"Your right, there are too many people around, too many cops.  You are soared today, but watch your back solar, I won't hesitate next time."
And with that, he is gone.

Leaving the bathroom I bump into a soft shoulder. As I turn around, I am stopped as I see who stands before me.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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