24. To Be Her Hero

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This chapter contains mature content. Viewer discretion is advised.


I'll be perfectly frank with you. I know there are some of you out there who would love to hear about the banalities of the many hours we spent on the road together that first day. I'm certain there's a handful who are simply dying to know what stories we told each other, what songs we sang, and how many different states Danny counted on the license plates of cars we rocketed past. And I've no doubt there's even one or two who might be interested to know if the rats ever caught up to us at any point and gave us a good fright for our money. I understand all of that.

I also don't give a fuck.

Because there's far, far more of you who saw that first line in big bold letters at the very top, and suddenly all else faded into oblivion. You're not looking for what disgusting fast food we consumed and what swill we washed it down with. You don't care if and how we escaped our mortal enemies by the skin of our teeth. And you're certainly not here to relive a fun moment between the four of us as we sang to various tracks from Queen's earlier records (which was not my idea, by the way) while we careened through the darkening hills that evening.

No, you're here for the naughty bits. And since as far as I'm concerned, the majority reigns supreme, I will accommodate you, my darling voyeurs.

But first things first...

After hours upon hours of traveling, we finally pulled off the road somewhere close to the North/South Carolina border and checked into a hotel. We were lucky enough to score two rooms facing across the hall, so that if any villains came knocking on one door, those behind the other could be informed immediately and swoop to the rescue. The hotel, though not particularly luxurious, was comfortable and clean. Clean enough, anyway. No room service, of course, and the window unit rattled loudly with each periodic gust of lukewarm air- but it would have to do.

Since we had learned the hard way that solitude equaled weakness, Julia thought it would be smartest to couple up, two fugitives per room; naturally, that meant John and myself stayed together while she bunked with her son. It was admittedly the most logical approach- but not at all the most desirable to me.

Luckily, Danny protested the idea before I could. "But we always do it like that when we go on trips."

"That's because it's just been you and me till now," Julia said dryly.

"Can't we change it up a little?" he pleaded. "Just this once?"

"Change it up how?" she asked.

Danny pointed at me. "I kinda wanted to room with him."

That's lovely, Mr. Phantom, but not quite what I had in mind.

"I don't think so, sweetie. They've both been very patient, staying cooped up in the same car with you and me all day. But let's give Freddie and Uncle John some space, all right? We've got just as long of a day ahead of us tom-"

"Darling, can I have a word with you?" I cut in, crooking my finger. The two of us stepped aside in the hall, just far enough away from the rest that we could whisper without being overheard.

"What did I do now?" Julia sighed wearily.

"Why are you splitting us up?" I demanded. "Are you tired of looking at me or something?"

She drew a deep breath in through her nose. "Freddie, please do me a favor and really think about what you just said."

I didn't have to, of course. "All right, I know that was a bit ridiculous, but I mean it's still- with all things considered, do we have split it like that?"

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