northern blue monkshood [twenty]

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𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕣𝕖𝕓𝕠𝕣𝕟 𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕝

Scott heads for the bathroom door. He puts his hand on the knob about to turn it when-

He stops. Then blinks. Something has caught his attention. He takes his hand off the knob and turns around.

Scott glances around the room, breathing in. There's a familiar scent here. Slowly, he kneels and reaches under the bed.

Carefully, he pulls Kate's black bag out from underneath the bed. The hair on his arm stands up as if electrified.

Scott unzips the bag to find a layer of clothes. And underneath that: a steel case. He unclasps the metal case.

Inside, rows of pointed bullets sit packed in custom foam. One of the slots is empty. Scott grabs a bullet and holds it up in front of his eyes- which respond by glowing yellow.

He found the bullet.


Scott gazes over the bullet case. On the back is an engraved image of a flower. He runs his finger over it and then gets an idea. He pulls out his phone and hits the google goggles app. He snaps a picture of the image.

The door to the guest room clicks open. Scott whips the phone behind his back. It's Allison.

"What are you doing?"

"Just using the bathroom. And now I'm done. So... I'm going back. To the other room." He heads past her, out the door while peering down at his phone. The results rapidly come up on the display. Three words with which he's clearly unfamiliar...


Stiles looks up from a text message, "Does northern blue monkshood mean anything to you?"

Propped against the wall, Derek gradually opens his eyes, "It's a rare form of Wolfsbane. He has to bring me the bullet."


"Because without it, I'm dead."

"Wow, this keeps getting better and better," Madison sighs, hands rubbing her temples.


Slipping the bullet into his pocket, Scott returns to the dining room, "I should get going. Thanks again for dinner."

"Stay for dessert. I want to hear more about you," Kate smiles, "Sit down."

Scott reluctantly sits back down at the table. His phone vibrates again. Mrs. Argent was the one to start a conversation this time.

"Allison was saying you and your sister work for a veterinarian."

"I told them how you put the cast on the dog I hit," Allison elaborates, giving more detail.

Scott glances at Stiles's text.


Need to get here now!!!

"What's your boss think of the animal attacks? Any theories?" Argent inquires.

"Everybody's saying mountain lion," the beta said, trying to calm his nerves.

"That would have to be a pretty large mountain lion," Kate chuckles almost as if she was implying it was something else.

"What do you think, Scott?" Argent asks, curiously.

"I wouldn't really know. We get mostly dogs and cats at the clinic. Nothing that vicious."

𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕣𝕖𝕓𝕠𝕣𝕟 𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕝 [ON PAUSE]Where stories live. Discover now