Chapter 1 ~ Dark Clouds

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It was yet another normal day, rather insignificant and forgetful. That was, until the sky turned dark.

Blu and his girlfriend, Gabby, were enjoying a milkshake together with one of those cliché romantic straws that connect to each other after a long, exciting day of rap battles. Neither of them expected to feel such a powerful earthquake so suddenly.

The ground trembled across the city, the wind howling an eerie song. The ground growled and crackled like a wounded animal holding on to its last breath of life.

And then it was silent.

The once cloudless sapphire sky now had dark storm clouds gathering in the center of the city and starting to rotate, resembling a funnel cloud.

"What is that?" Blu whispered aloud to himself while staring wide-eyed at the mysterious phenomenon.

"I- I have a bad feeling about this." Gabby whimpered and clutched her beloved's hand firmly.

Blu looked into her eyes, attempting to find comfort in her warm chestnut gaze, but he immediately regretted doing so.

Gabby's pupils glinted a dangerous crimson shade as she eyed the storm. Blu gently shook her shoulders, snatching her attention away from the sky.

"What? Was I staring?" She breathed as Blu cupped her cheeks in his hands.

"We need to find shelter. Now." He suggested, almost demanding. Gabby was concerned by his serious tone. She hadn't heard her boyfriend sound like this in ages, not unless he was in mortal danger. Did something frighten him?

The couple scurried inside the sturdy ice-cream shop they ordered their milkshake from. Many other customers were already there and boarding the windows with scraps and plywood.

"Blu, I feel nauseous!" Gabby gasped and leaned on him. Thunder cracked outside, making them both shudder. Gabby squeezed his already tense hand. Blu rested his chin on her head for comfort but was immediately pricked by something on his neck. It only took a moment for him to realize why.

"Gabby... your horns... did you materialize them recently?"

"No, why?"

Before he could respond, there was a spine-tingling screech as tables and chairs were slammed against the windows that were not yet covered, shattering them into thousands of glittering pieces. The violent wind seeped through the empty space in the wall, throwing everyone to the ground.

"What the hell was that?!" Blu hollered over the intense roar. He subconsciously tightened his grip on his red cap before the torrent of air could steal it.

Acting quickly, Blu threw down a table and pulled Gabby next to him. Peeking around the round wooden table, he spied a large, hairy beast rummaging through the parlor while other patrons ran out of the building or retreated to the back rooms.

While savoring the frozen treat, Blue caught sight of the creature's long teeth and claws. The monster thumped its gigantic feet against the tile floor as it began sniffing the corners of the shop.

"Is there something there?" Gabby whispered in his ear. Blu nodded his head slowly. His girlfriend gripped her head as a sudden, violent migraine overtook her. She hissed and tucked her knees into her chest.

The creature's ears flicked to the direction of the noise. Blu felt his heart skip a beat as he threw himself back behind the table before the monster spotted him.

Gabby must've felt his heart rate skyrocket. Her pupils glinted red inside black irises. The size of her body grew. Her skin morphed into a soft lavender color. She gritted her sharp fangs, trying her best to ignore the pain in her head while standing up.

Blu yanked her newly-formed tail downwards, trying to make her fall back in the safety of his arms, but she didn't budge. He heard the monster growl, its voice sounding akin to a jet engine. The rumble of it shook Blu's entire body as adrenaline made his heart banged against his ribs.

Gabby snarled in return and flashed her ruby-red claws. The creature's eyes glistened red just like hers.

A brief thought crossed Blu's mind. Was this thing a demon?

"Run, now!" Gabby commanded her boyfriend without averting her gaze from the demon in front of her.

"I don't want to leave you to fight this thing alone! Let me help!"

"Absolutely not. Get your tiny ass out of here before I kick it out myself!"

"B- but you..." Blu stuttered. Before he finished his pathetic sentence, Gabby placed a claw gently over his lips. She was still glaring at the creature, but she still managed to give him a reassuring smile that said 'trust me.'

He didn't say another word as Gabby leaped over the table and lunged at the demon in one swift movement. Even while fighting, she moved gracefully across the room as if she were dancing, avoiding the creature's enormous claws.

Blu wasted no time fleeing out the broken windows. Other people still hiding in the shop saw the two brawling demons and fled with him.

He gasped as his left palm was jammed into a glass shard as he hoisted himself over the windowsill, feeling a shock of pain shoot through his arm. Glancing down to check the wound, he saw a fairly large shard embedded in his skin. Thankfully, it wasn't bleeding terribly. He would have to pull the damn thing out later.

He felt his red sneakers slam against the pavement, yet couldn't hear the sound of himself running as the roaring wind battered against him, nearly making him trip multiple times.

He turned to take shelter in an alleyway and skidded to a halt. It's always an alleyway where bad shit happens -

He hardly took a step when he saw a long red tail swish back and forth angrily out of a dumpster with nasty snarls.

As Blu turned back to sneak away, the alleyway erupted into horrendous blaring shrills. Glancing behind him, there were at least a dozen demons erupting from behind debris, all simultaneously charging at him with claws extended at his face.

Before he knew it, Blu was racing down the windy streets and being trailed by numerous unsightly creatures. Maybe he shouldn't have deserted his girlfriend, he was now alone and completely defenseless. At least with Gabby he had a fighting chance.

Whirling into another alleyway, he nearly tripped over his bagging blue pants as he came to a halt.

A dead end.

"Shit, no no NO!" Blu cried and glanced behind his shoulder. The demons had cornered him, their shrill laughter echoing against the brick buildings. Their eyes looked nothing like Gabby's, they all had red irises and pupils, Blu had never seen demons like this before.

"Stay back!" He desperately screamed at the approaching monsters. The same red demon from earlier grinned and reached his claws to his throat as his little gang jeered at Blu's panicked state. "HEY, I SAID STAY BA-"

The red demon lunged at him along with the rest of his buddies. All of their blunt teeth were suspiciously human-like and covered in dried blood. They weren't here to rap battle. Blu realized that they were gonna tear him apart. And it was gonna be hell.

With his back against the wall, Blu screamed, unable to hold back the fear building up inside him.

The demons reached out for him.

Tears ran down his face.

They were right in front of him, he was going to die here.

And then there was a brilliant flash of lavender light.

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