Chapter 5 ~ A Thunderous Dilemma

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"W-what? B-but-" Blu stammered, feeling exceedingly queasy and woozy by the second. His throat started to burn abruptly. He refrained from coughing, feeling nauseated, and felt a gagging sensation.

Pico still clasped his shoulders, seizing his small muscles in an iron grip. The ginger must've seen the bluenette's mood abruptly shift.

"I... should've broken the news to you softer. Calm down, I'll explain what I know." Pico sighed and cupped Blu's face and wiped away his tears from his soft skin.

Blu timidly twitched both his feet as his ex tenderly stroked his cheek, feeling a tiny jolt of pain stabbed his ankles, and he hissed in response. Of course, Pico noticed.

"What's hurting?" He demanded while his eyes drifted to the floor.

Blu didn't say a word but instead lifted his feet.

"Can I take your shoes off? And your socks? Is that fine?"

Blu nodded. Pico usually thinks before acting, except when comforting someone else. Actually, Blu hadn't seen this side of him in years.

Pico slipped off both his filthy red shoes and a sock. And, to Blu's confusion, he also tore his pants off below the knee before repeating all the steps with his other foot. The ginger purposely blocked Blu from seeing what he was doing. Why? What does he see?

Pico cursed under his breath as thumbs rubbed over Blu's... toes? No, something felt different. It felt more like two long, cloven toenails, in a way. Blu shuttered as he tried not to cry. Something had changed, and if it was anything like his gills, it could be something freakish.

Pico recognized Blu's strained breathing and finally made eye contact with the scruffy young lad while still covering Blu's foot with his hands.

"I'm gonna be real with you." Pico exhaled sluggishly before slowly lifting his hands away. "Actually- take a look at yourself."

And he did. He sure as hell did take a long look.

Blu shrieked at what he saw, accidentally throwing himself off his chair before slamming against the floor as thunder crackled wildly outside.

Pico stood nearby, watching Blu thrash around on the floor as the electricity cut out. The lights flickered on and off multiple times before shutting off for good.

Blu managed to huddle in a corner and hug himself, whimpering and trembling every time lightning flashed. The room only became darker as night fell, and the harsh lightning was the only light that sparkled in the darkness. Pico left Blu in the corner as he lit some apple scented candles.

"Well then, this is interesting." Pico hummed aloud. Blu gazed at the wall with wide, wild eyes. His small figure was shivering against a cabinet, causing the wooden door to wobble on its hinges.

"Hooves. Specifically deer hooves." Pico murmured before taking a tentative step closer to the corner.

Blu dared not look down again. Where his toes would have been was two black ovals surrounded by cyan fur. He can even feel two dew claws behind it. Without looking, he ran his fingers through the silky fur all along his legs.

He wiggled his new appendages, feeling a tad queasy as he splayed his hooves into a Y-shape.

"I bet you can run pretty fast like that. Don't you know how fast deer can run?" Pico said, trying to make light of the situation.

"That's the least of my problems right now!" Blu snapped before using the countertop to pull himself up to stand. Inhaling shakily, he tried to walk while grasping things for balance. It was immensely awkward. His ankles felt higher off the ground, and he felt taller,  as if he was balancing on thin stilts.

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