Everything is Perfect

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Tw: mentions of anxiety, mentions of death

I take a shaky breath. My anxiety is going through the roof. "Harley, I like you. Or, more than like you. I'm not sure, because I barely know you, but I think I have a crush on you. And you called me cute first. And I remember meeting you at Tony's funeral, I'm not sure if you remember that, but I layed in bed that night and I thought about how handsome you were. I'm not saying I'm not happy just being your friend, but I just... I just thought you should know that I like you more than a... a friend..." My cheeks are burning up and I can't look at him because what if he doesn't feel the same way?

"Peter, you're really pretty." What? That's his answer? I feel my face droop a little. He just thinks I'm pretty... "I'm saying... I like you too Parker." Omg! Omg! Omg! Omg! Harley likes me? I... I start smiling and he's smiling at me and I barely even know him and yet I've never felt like this. I feel like the whole world is exploding and everything is exploding around us, but right here in this room is safe because Harley is here and so nothing could ever hurt us.

Harley comes and sits next to me. In one hand, he holds my hand, and with his other hand, he pushes hair out of my face. "I really like you Parker." Everything is perfect. For now at least, everything is perfect. Harley leans towards me and kisses me. It's just a quick kiss, but it's perfect. His lips are really soft. Like softer than you would expect. And we're just sitting there, and everything is perfect.

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